Wrangling the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch #3) - Kennedy Fox Page 0,28

few drinks before they go to house parties.”

“Start me off with a Jack and Diet,” I tell her.

Moments later, Elle walks in, and I hug her. “I’m so happy you could make it.”

“Only because Dr. Dickhead gave me off tomorrow.” She rolls her eyes like she’s surprised.

“Which means you need to take full advantage and drink!”

She orders a cocktail, then turns to me to catch up. “So, you gonna tell me more about this Gavin?”

“There’s nothing to tell.”

Kenzie snorts, then strolls to the other side to help a customer. After Kenzie embarrassed me at Thanksgiving, I told her to butt the hell out. She’s the only one who knows the whole story, and though Elle is aware of the one-night stand, I’ve kept the details to myself. I was with her and Rowan the morning after it happened. Elle begged us to help birth a calf, so I arrived hungover as hell and asked them if they knew anyone named Gavin. Since they didn’t, I had hoped he was just passing through, and I’d never have to see him again.

My luck would have it otherwise.

“When we were officially introduced at the ranch, I acted like I didn’t know him, and he’s been torturing me ever since,” I say quickly before sucking down half my drink.

“But you do know him.”

“Yes, but I don’t want him to know that! I want to pretend our night never happened, but he’s hell-bent on not letting me.”

Elle laughs, sipping her own drink. “Well, it sounds to me like Gavin wants round two.”

I groan, shaking my head. “Not happening. I’m already embarrassed enough.”

“Perhaps you’re just so memorable, he can’t get you out of his head.” She shrugs with a cocky grin. “I mean, you are a total babe.”

“Well, he can find another babe because it’s not gonna be me,” I say matter-of-factly.

Elle smiles and chews on her straw, looking behind me. “Speakin’ of the devil.”

I quickly glance over my shoulder and see Gavin with Grayson, Diesel, and Rowan behind him.

Fuck me.

Of course they’d invite him. Dammit.

“Hey!” Rowan rushes toward us and wraps her arms around us.

Kenzie squeals and takes their drink orders.

“Hey, Maize.” Gavin’s hoarse voice makes me shiver.

“I see you’ve turned your obsession into stalking.”

“Is it really stalking if this is the only pub in town?”

I turn and see his flirty grin, which causes me to look away and motion for Kenzie to refill my glass.

“Let me buy you a drink,” he says, taking the seat next to me.

“That’s not necessary.” I inch away from him.

“Maize, shut up and order the expensive shit.” Kenzie waggles her brows.

“Round of shots?” Gavin asks, and I relax my shoulders. “For everyone,” he confirms.

“Vodka,” I say. Gonna need it if he’s determined to bother me all night.

Kenzie pours the liquor, and soon we’re three shots in. Diesel and Rowan are in their own little world as Grayson taunts Kenzie at the other end of the bar. Elle is playing pool with some guy, leaving me alone with Gavin.

“Looks like you’re stuck with me.”

“I’ve noticed.” I groan, taking a sip of my drink. At this point, I can’t taste the Jack or the Diet Coke.

“C’mon, I’m not that bad. You should give me a chance like you did four months ago.”

I nearly choke and hope he doesn’t notice, but by the sly grin on his face, I know he does.

“You’re delusional.”

“You keep sayin’ that, but I’m not buying it, Maize Bishop.”

I roll my eyes, not giving in to this little game. Maybe if I keep drinking, I’ll be able to tune him out.

“Hey, we’re all going to Wyatt’s for the ball drop,” Rowan tells me. “Wanna come?”

“Y’all leavin’ now?”

“Yeah, we’re gonna drink and eat snacks there,” she confirms.

I look at Kenzie, then back at Rowan. “No, I’m gonna stay with my sister.” Though she’s a grown-ass woman and can take care of herself, I don’t want to leave her here without company on New Year's Eve.

“Okay, babe. Text me if you change your mind.” She kisses my cheek, and I watch as all the guys and my cousins walk out the door.

“You aren’t going with your friends?” I ask Gavin, shocked he didn’t even consider it.

“You’re all the company I need.” He smirks before taking a drink and looking at me over the neck of his beer. It shouldn’t be sexy, but as I watch the way his throat tightens, I realize I must be drunker than I thought.

“I’m not here to entertain you, so go to the party.” I

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