Wrangling the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch #3) - Kennedy Fox Page 0,18

and squash needing picked.”

My eyes light up because it’s one of my favorite things to do. “Sure, I’ll be happy to.”

I put on the pair of boots I keep at the B&B. After grabbing a tub, I walk out to the rows of vegetables and herbs we plant each season. Dad was right. I pull as much as I can, then drop it in the kitchen before going out and picking more. Getting my hands a little dirty relaxes my busy mind.

“Told ya!” Dad says when I return with my second load.

“In a few days, there will be even more,” I explain and rinse them. After I finish, I say my goodbyes and head home. I think about Gavin and his cold stare when I denied knowing him. After I shower, I eat leftovers, then go to my room. Even if I used Love is Blind as an excuse to ditch, I wasn’t kidding about catching up.

I flick on the TV and get comfortable. As I’m dozing off, Kenzie lets herself into my room.

“I knew it! I knew I heard Cameron’s voice.”

Grabbing a pillow, I throw it at her, but she quickly blocks it. She’s entranced by the TV, but then snaps out of it and brings the attention back to me.

“You gonna tell me what really happened between you and Gavin, without the CliffsNotes?” She tilts her head and crosses her arms. “I wasn’t born yesterday, Maze. I saw the way you two were flirting at the bar a few weeks ago, and considering you needed to be picked up after my shift, I think I know what happened. I’d never forget a face like that,” she says.

I sigh. “You wouldn’t believe me if I tried to make something up anyway.”

“Because you’re a shitty liar,” she reminds me.

“That’s what you think,” I retort.

“Your face always gives you away.” Kenzie smirks. “So quit stalling and tell me how big his dick was.” She plops down on my bed, reaches for the remote, and pauses the show.

My cheeks heat, and her mouth falls open.

“Oh my God,” she whispers. “He’s humongous, isn’t he?”

I nod, then cover my face before I glance at her. “The sex was amazing, but I can’t get involved with him.”

Kenzie places a hand on her chest. “I will trade you places in a heartbeat!”

I lean my head against the wall. “You’re ridiculous.”

“You are. If he’d let me inside, I’d go to his cabin right now and save a horse. So what’s the hangup? You’re allowed to have fun, Maze. Amazing sex never hurt anyone.”

After sucking in a deep breath, I exhale slowly. “He’s so much older. I knew he was when we hooked up, but it didn’t matter at the time because it was a one time thing. Not to mention we’re in two different places in our lives. I want to start my catering business eventually, and he could get bored of being in the middle of nowhere and leave. Not to mention my rule—I have it for a reason.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know. Timothy ruined every opportunity for anyone who works on the ranch and wants to date you, even if they’re the perfect man. So how old is he?”

I look at her. “Thirty-five, I think?”

“So what if he’s closer to dad’s age than yours. Big deal. There are some silver foxes out there that I’d let be my daddy.”

Nearly throwing up in my mouth, I playfully smack her. “Oh my God, stop! That’s not true.” I burst out laughing at the face she makes. “You say that shit to get under my skin.”

She smiles wide. “Of course.”

I reach for the remote, but she pulls back before I can. “We’re not done talking about this. I have to know what you’re going to do about this now that he’s here.”

A small grin forms on my lips. “Pretend I didn’t have the best sex of my life with him.”

“And that’s it?”

I nod.

Her eyes widen in shock. “Do you have brain damage?”

“No! It’s just another heartbreak waiting to happen. Pretending lets me move on with my life. The right man will come when I least expect it.”

Kenzie snorts and rolls her eyes. “But what if he is the one, and you’re just being stubborn as hell?”

“Doubtful,” I huff.

“People have sex with no attachments. You don’t have to get married or anything. It’s called having fun.”

“Not for me, Kenzie. I’m good. Also please don’t tell anyone. And I mean anyone. Rowan knows, but no one else.”

She makes a zipper motion

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