That Would Be a Fairy Tale - By Amanda Grange Page 0,56


Cicely tried not to show that she was awe-struck, and forced herself to carry on walking, but as they reached the king and he wished her aunt a polite, ‘How do you do?’ she could not help feeling delighted. Even better, he addressed a few words to her, asking her how she was enjoying her visit to Marienbad, before strolling on again.

‘I hoped I might meet him, but I didn’t really think I would,’ said Cicely. ‘I did not see him on any of my previous visits.’

‘He did not used to come here so often,’ said Mrs Lessing. ‘But now he comes every year. He is a familiar sight, strolling along the promenade, and he always says a few words in the politest way. He likes to be incognito, as far as possible, when he is here, and does not even use his title, but he is unmistakeable nonetheless.’

‘No, he doesn’t like to use his kingly title,’ said Sophie naughtily, ‘but that doesn’t mean he travels as a nobody. Although he is not King Edward when he is here, he is the "Duke of Lancaster" instead.’

Mrs Lessing looked at her daughter reprovingly. ‘The King is a very busy man, and he is entitled to call himself anything he likes. His visits to Marienbad offer him a brief respite from the pressures of his position, and as to calling himself the Duke of Lancaster, I dare say being a mere Duke is as close to being a normal, everyday person as he will ever get.’

They continued talking about their encounter with King Edward as they made their way to the far end of the promenade, where Alex was waiting for them just outside the café. Cicely’s pulse began to beat more quickly at the sight of him, all thoughts of her meeting with King Edward driven from her mind. But she made sure that her inner turmoil did not show on her face. It was unfortunate they had been thrown together by their desire to catch Mr Goss, as it brought to the surface the very feelings she had been trying to suppress, but nevertheless it must be endured.

Cicely performed the introductions, and after greeting each other politely the four of them strolled to a nearby café. They sat at a table that was set apart from the others as they did not want their conversation to be overheard. They ordered coffee and talked inconsequentially until it arrived.

Once the waiter had withdrawn, Sophie said, ‘Now, Cicely, I am absolutely bursting to know. Tell us, how are we going to catch the thief?’

Cicely took a sip of the hot coffee then turned to Alex. ‘I will rely on you to remind me if I forget anything.’

He nodded, and she began.

‘I have already told you that we are hoping to trap Mr Goss, and that Mr Evington is going to help us to do it. You also know that Mr Evington has already made an attempt to do so, but that the attempt failed. My plan is to tempt Mr Goss with easy pickings again - this time a valuable tiara - but to do it in such a way that he will feel completely safe about taking it, because it will not appear that he is stealing it.’

Sophie and her mother looked mystified.

Alex said, ‘I think you had better start at the beginning.’

‘Very well. My plan is for you to give a dinner party, aunt, at which you, Sophie, will be wearing an expensive tiara. You will flirt with Goss and you will impress upon him the fact that you are very wealthy and also very dim.’

‘No.’ Mrs Lessing was firm. ‘I will not have a daughter of mine behaving in such a way.’

‘But, mother, it is only a game,’ said Sophie.

‘One which half of Marienbad will see,’ retorted her mother.

‘Not if I am discreet.’ Sophie leant towards her mother and placed a pleading hand on her arm. ‘I promise I will only flirt with him when no one else is watching me, if you are concerned. It is all in a good cause.’

‘As to that,’ said her mother, ‘I don’t see how flirting with Martin Goss is going to make him steal anything.’ She looked at Cicely. ‘What has Sophie’s behaviour to do with anything?’

‘I am just coming to that,’ said Cicely. ‘After dinner, Sophie, having impressed him with how silly she is and having given him plenty of opportunity to see what a valuable tiara she is wearing, will engage Copyright 2016 - 2024