That Would Be a Fairy Tale - By Amanda Grange Page 0,52

possibilities. Once out of England, Goss might well grow careless. It’s worth a try.’ He drummed his fingers on the marble mantelpiece. ‘But I don’t see how we are to know where and when he will strike.’

‘I have already thought about that. We will have to lay another trap.’

Alex looked at her searchingly. ‘I don’t see how we can do it. He won’t come to another of my parties, and I doubt if he will come to one of yours. We were both present when Eugenie’s necklace was taken, and it will be too risky for him to carry out another theft if we are there. ‘

‘That is not what I was thinking of.’

He looked at her enquiringly.

Taking a deep breath, Cicely began to outline her idea.

Alex’s eyes grew admiring as her plan unfolded. ‘It might work,’ he said. ‘Yes, it just might.’ Then his eyes became penetrating. ‘But are you sure your cousin will help us?’

‘Positive. Sophie is an accomplished actress. If her mother would let her, she would go on the stage! She will relish the opportunity of playing a part.’

‘Then we’ll give it a try. But we will have to be careful. We must make sure Goss does not see us in Marienbad. If he does, he might not take the bait. Which means we will have to stay elsewhere.’

‘I will be staying with my Aunt Hilda in her villa on the outskirts of Marienbad, as I have already explained to you, and I suggest you stay at the neighbouring town of Karlsbad. The Hotel Savoy has a good reputation, and you should be comfortable there. That way, we will be able to escape Goss’s notice and he will not see us until it is too late - if indeed he sees us at all, which, if all goes to plan, he won’t.’

‘And when is he going to Marienbad?’ asked Alex. ‘Do you know?’

‘Yes. He will be going within the next few weeks.’

Alex nodded. ‘Then I suggest we get there as soon as possible, so that we can lay our plans.’

Cicely agreed. ‘I will write to my aunt straight away, so that she will be expecting me.’ She stood up. ‘But now, it is late.’

He stood as well.

‘I will bid you goodnight,’ she said.

He fought down an urge to stop her, and she walked out of the room.

The house party broke up amongst cries of thanks the following day, and Cicely, taking her leave of Alex with Alice and Mrs Babbage at her elbow, added her own to the general clamour.

‘Yes, indeed, thank you so much for having us, Mr Evington,’ said Mrs Babbage. ‘We have had a wonderful time.’

‘I’m glad you enjoyed it,’ said Alex.

He was all that was polite and urbane, but Cicely couldn’t help missing the intimacy of the previous day. There was nothing left of it now, however.

She remembered the closeness of Alex and Eugenie; the shared glances, the touches on the arm; and using the memories to bolster her defences, she took her leave with a befitting coolness.

‘Well, that was most enjoyable,’ said Mrs Babbage, recalling Cicely to the present. The three ladies began to walk down the road to the Lodge. ‘And how kind it was of Mr Evington to send our luggage home for us by motor car. He really is a most agreeable man.’

This talk of Alex’s virtues did nothing to help Cicely put Alex out of her mind, and she was grateful therefore when they reached the door of the Lodge.

‘You are sure you will not come and stay with us for a few days?’ asked Mrs Babbage.

‘No, thank you, it really isn’t necessary,’ said Cicely. ‘The repairs have gone well and the Lodge is habitable again.’

‘Then in that case, I will bid you farewell.’

Cicely and Alice took an affectionate leave of each other, and then Cicely went into the Lodge. After the turmoil of the previous week she was looking forward to a little peace and quiet before leaving the Lodge again, this time for Marienbad.

But before then she had plenty to do. Peace and quiet did not mean inactivity, and she set about checking the kitchen thoroughly to make sure that it had been properly repaired; for although she had paid one or two visits to the Lodge during the week, it was only now that she was home again that could she give it the scrutiny it really needed.

To her relief she saw that, apart from the fact that the kitchen now lacked a range, Copyright 2016 - 2024