Worth the Risk_ A Contemporary - Megan Hart Page 0,200

of the chains and put her hands on his shoulders. Jack still had his hands under her ass. His feet were planted solidly on the ground while she crossed her ankles behind his back. She was suspended, impaled on his prick.

His mouth found hers. His tongue dove deep inside, stroking her. He put the swing in motion, slowly but steadily. Every movement back and forth rocked her clit against his firm belly and thrust his cock deeper inside her.

His teeth nibbled at hers lips, then found her ear and the soft flesh of her neck and throat. “Hang on.”

She gripped him more tightly with her arms and legs. Jack slid his hands out from under her and held onto the chains. Then he really began to swing.

He pushed off from the ground, lifted his muscular legs and tilted his body back. Josie let out a muffled squeal and clung to him. For a moment, the sensation was so unsettling she forgot to concentrate on the pleasure. Jack wouldn’t let her fall. The thought calmed her and she relaxed enough to focus again on the way his stomach rubbed her clit back and forth with every swing.

In this position, he couldn’t slide in and out as far as he would normally, but the swing did all the work for them. They swung back and Jack’s knees curled to push his feet off the ground. Forward and he straightened his legs to get them airborne. Pumping the swing as he was pumping her.

They weren’t swinging terribly high; they’d certainly gone higher and faster when they were kids. It was high enough. They were flying, together. Weightless.

The air rushed past her face and cooled her heated cheeks. Her fingers began to ache from hanging on to the chain. Her thighs burned from the chain cutting into her flesh. She’d be lucky if she could stand when this was done, but Josie couldn’t, at that moment, care.

His pumps became staggered, less smooth. His breath panted in her ear. He breathed her name.

She needed just little more pressure. A few more pumps. Just…a little more….

She began to quiver at the same time she felt him throb inside her. He let go of the swing with one hand and used it to clasp her to him, tight, and he bit down on the curve of her shoulder.

Her neck hurt, her hands hurt, her thighs hurt, but the ecstasy thrumming through her canceled out the pain. If anything, the myriad of small hurts made the pleasure even sweeter.

Slowly, the swing stopped. Jack hugged her and nuzzled the spot he’d bitten. She let go of the chains and put her arms around his shoulders again.

“I can’t move,” she said after a minute.

Jack’s deep, rumbling chuckle tickled her ears. “My ass feels like it’s on fire. And I don’t mean that in a good way.”

“Seriously, Jack. I can’t move.”

“Not a problem.” Jack got to his feet and supported her weight on his hands until she could unwrap her legs from around his waist.

Her skirt fell around her ankles and she plucked her panties from her pocket and slipped them back on. “You okay?”

She loved the way he was always so concerned about her. “Great. You?”

She heard the zip and snap of his pants. “Never better.”

“We’d better get back.”

She found herself engulfed in his embrace. She leaned against his broad chest and drank in the scent of him. His arms were warm. She rubbed her cheek against the softness of his shirt and gave a huge, contented sigh. Jack smoothed his hand over her back, then squeezed.

They didn’t say anything, but then, they didn’t have to.

Chapter 5

Josie woke up with a crick in her neck and an aching back, despite the pillows she’d surrounded herself with. The windowless family room was still black, but the thumps and thuds overhead told her morning had arrived. Jack’s soft snuffles kept her from dozing off again. At home, she’d have elbowed him to turn over, but with him stretched out on the army cot a few feet away, all she could do was lob a pillow at him and hope it struck.

In another minute it didn’t matter because the bright overhead lights came on and five pairs of small feet thundered down the stairs. Josie had just enough time to shield her eyes from the glare before her nieces and nephews hurtled into the room and onto the futon. It creaked alarmingly under their combined, wriggling weight.

“Kids, don’t damage Aunt Josie.” Mim had

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