A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,76

him? You know that he is important to us." The Imp asked, voice cold and ominous.

"He was with a warrior..." Martis started, cutting off as one of the Imp's hands lashed out and seized him by the throat, claws biting into his flesh. Martis could feel the demon's strength as it tightened its grip.

"I was told that you have at least three fighting men in your employ. Surely they could have overwhelmed this warrior." The Imp's dark eyes were unreadable as they stared into Martis' terrified ones. "Perhaps you are not as committed to us as you say." The Imp slowly squeezed its hand, rivulets of blood trickling down Martis' neck as the claws pieced his skin.

"I am yours, Master!" Martis said desperately, voice high pitched and trembling. "I know the warrior. He was tall and strong, with a scarred face. It could only be Dominic, Master. Even my men could not overcome him."

The Imp stared at Martis for several moments, examining him like one would a bug. With a shove, the Imp released Martis, causing him to fall over onto his back. Martis just laid as he fell, making no attempt to return to his knees.

"Dominic, you say?" The Imp's hands curled into tight fists. "He has been a thorn in our hand for years. I found the remains of that fool Matus' party, so it now makes sense. Soon, hopefully, we will deal with that one." He glanced down at Martis. "Where did they go?"

"Sanduas, I believe, Master. At least, he asked about the capital and headed up the northern road." Martis said quickly.

"Sanduas." The Imp mulled it over for a few moments. He looked back at Martis. "You will go to the city to see if the boy is there. Once you know he is there, send word. If he is not there, you will track him down. I will need time to gather some of my brothers and more followers, if I must assault the city."

The Imp reached down and grabbed Martis by the front of his shirt, easily lifting him up to his feet. "You will find out everything you can about the boy, where he is staying, who he deals with, everything. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master." Martis almost sobbed, grateful to be leaving alive.

The Imp stepped right up to Martis, looking up at his face. "I want that boy. Do not fail me. You should know that I am not the forgiving type."

Martis bowed low, tears of relief falling to the ground.


Jake smiled as he approached the picnic area, his family waiting for him, a feeling of joy of being home filling his body and mind. He could see his parents, smiling and laughing as they prepared the food on the barbeque while his brother and sister playfully wrestled for the nearest hot dog.

As he got closer, Jake was surprised to see Sean and Matt were also there, chatting with someone Jake could not see. The high sound of a girl laughing and a sudden movement by Sean revealed Tina, laughing at some remark by Matt, Jake was sure. Impulsively, he yelled a greeting at them and picked up his pace, hurrying to join them.

Despite his increased speed, he could not seem to advance any closer. He shouted for them, trying to get their attention, but there was no reaction by anyone to his presence. He was now running as hard as he could, but he did not advance.

Suddenly, a wall of darkness sprang up in front of him. Startled, he came to a halt, the picnic area now gone, smothered by the darkness, hiding away his family and friends.

It took him a moment to realize that the wall was moving towards him. The movement was subtle at first; so subtle, he was not certain it was moving. Frightened, he began to back away, but the darkness moved closer, picking up speed. Jake turned and ran, desperate to get away.

Despite his efforts, the wall got closer. He ran heedless through the now strangely formless area, his only thought to avoid the darkness. He could feel its cold radiating against the heat of his back as it inched ever closer, the faint sound of multiple voices crying out for him growing as well.

Now terrified, he knew that if he was caught, he would be lost. Breath heaving, his chest feeling like it would burst, he ran. Ran until something caught his foot, sending him sprawling, crying out in fear. Waiting for the darkness to

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