A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,73

Dominic said. "As we progress, I will teach you how to fight no matter how your body is positioned." He stepped back a couple of paces. "Your first lesson seems simple, but it could be the one thing that saves your life. Draw your sword."

Jake reached across his body and drew his sword. "Faster next time. Do it again." Dominic stated, voice even. Jake did it again multiple times over the next hour. With every draw, Dominic seemed to have a new critique and had Jake try again. Standing, sitting and even lying down, Jake was made to draw his sword again and again.

After Jake's arm began to tire, Dominic had him start drawing it with his left hand. When he complained about the awkwardness, Dominic simply asked. "If you cannot use your right arm for some reason, are you just going to lay down and die?" Clearly not expecting an answer, he had Jake continue.

When Dominic seemed satisfied, he had Jake stop. His eyes remained hard as ever. "You may believe that this is a meaningless exercise, but the person who can get their sword out first usually lives to see another day. I will have you practice this every day until drawing your sword is second nature."

After a short rest break, Dominic had Jake go hang his sword belt on a peg while he produced two practice swords. The practice swords were similar in size and weight as Jake's sword, but the edges were blunted, with the point squared off. Dominic handed one sword to Jake and had him assume his stance.

"First, we will learn some defense." Dominic said as he instructed Jake on some basic parries.

After having Jake practice them a few times, Dominic assumed a stance opposite Jake. Using the other practice sword, he thrust and slashed at Jake, calmly telling him which parry to use. Watching Jake's movements, Dominic kept a running critique as he continued to come at Jake, his sword moving slightly faster in every attack.

"You are parrying too far, boy." Dominic said after attempting a thrust, holding up a hand. "Move your feet and body as well. You don't need to knock the sword away completely. You need to keep your sword as near to centerline as possible, to allow for counterattacks. Here, let me show you. Thrust at me."

As Jake thrusted his sword, Dominic twisted his body slightly as he allowed Jake's sword to run along his blade, just deflecting it an inch or so away from his body. With a twist of his wrist, the blunt point of Dominic's blade was suddenly at Jake's throat. "You see?" Dominic asked.

Jake nodded, but asked. "Isn't the blade awfully close to your body?

"That's why you wear armor." Dominic simply stated. "Now you try it."

For the next couple of hours, Dominic ran Jake through drill after drill, always correcting him and demonstrating the proper technique. With the afternoon sun angling towards the horizon, the thrill of learning swords was wearing off when Dominic finally called a halt. Jake was sweating profusely, his arms feeling like rubber.

"That's enough for today, boy. I need to go see the commander before it get too late and you need to go to the stables and see Captain Armartas. You have some responsibilities over there as well." Dominic gathered the practice swords as Jake went over to recover and belt back on his sword. "We will meet here tomorrow at the same time. Make sure you are getting some rest, the training is only going to get harder." With that, he strode off back towards the buildings.

Rubbing his sore arms, Jake made his way through the training areas, watching the various groups of soldiers practicing different drills. As always, he got some curious looks in return as he made his way to the stables. Once there, he went to Captain Armartas' office, finding him writing in a journal. Jake knocked at the door, causing Armartas to look up.

"Welcome, Jake." Armartas said quietly. He stood up and came over to the door. "Dominic said you would be by today." Grabbing a set of keys, he led Jake back towards Dontas' stable.

As they walked, Armartas asked. "How was your first day of training, Jake?"

"Fine, but I'm a bit tired." Jake replied.

Armartas laughed. "That is a common reaction to Dominic's training style, but you truly have the best teacher around. You may find many envious of you."

When they were near Dontas' stall, Armartas stopped near a closed door situated between stalls. He

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