A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,161

in mid-sentence. It was the first time that Dominic had ever addressed him by his name. He was so stunned that he sat back down.

"I have dealt with the half-men and demons since before you were born." Dominic said directly, then continued more gently. "When they see me, they will follow; trust me. That will buy the time you need."

He reached over and laid a hand on Jake's shoulder. "You risked all to save Hailyn and Marcus last night. I must now do the same. Remember all of my lessons, be brave and you should do well. I'm proud of the man you are becoming." Jake nodded, too overwhelmed to speak, tears suddenly streaming down his face.

Dominic turned to Jonas. "I will draw them off to the west and south, then circle back. I will catch up or not." He stated bluntly. He grasped Jonas' hand and gave him a roguish smile. "If this is goodbye, old friend, I guess I will see first if you have been right this whole time."

Jonas nodded grimly and squeezed his hand. "You are my oldest and closest friend, so I would prefer you stay alive. Don't take any more risks than you need to." He released Dominic's hand, raising his own. "Go with the blessings of the One, Dom. May He shelter and protect you in His hand." Dominic gave him a slight bow.

"You are their sword and shield until they recover." Dominic addressed Marcus and Hailyn. "Don't waste any time. Move and keep moving." With a final salute of his sword, he wheeled Shadow around and headed back up the road, angling into the woods.

"Let's get moving." Jonas said sadly, watching Dominic disappear in the forest.

Several minutes after they started down the road, they heard very faint shouts and screams in the distance. Steeling their emotions, the sounds faded as they continued to the east.

Following the trail, Marcus dropped back often to scout for any pursuit. They rode until it was almost dark, with no sign they were being followed. Marcus found a small culvert off the road that gave them shelter on three sides. They fed and watered the horses and, forgoing a fire, ate a cold meal themselves. Hailyn and Marcus kept watch while Jonas and Jake slept.


As the sun rose in the east, Jake woke up, feeling almost himself. He sat up, looking around. Jonas and Hailyn were preparing a small meal off to the side of the wagon, Marcus and his horse missing. He must be out scouting, Jake knew.

As he climbed out of the wagon and stood, he tried to call up his magic. To his delight, it came instantly. He held it for a moment, then released it. He went over to join Jonas and Hailyn.

"Good morning, Jake." Jonas said, looking closely at him. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"Fine, Jonas." Jake said. "And you?"

"I feel myself again." Jonas replied. He handed Jake some food. "We should eat and start moving."

They ate the meal in silence, Jake's thoughts on Dominic. Marcus returned and let them know that he found no signs of pursuit or of Dominic. He quickly ate and they moved out.

Jake rode Dontas, his armor and helm in place, as he guarded the rear. He would drop back from time to time, listening for any sounds coming from behind, but he heard nothing. He watched the surrounding trees and hillsides for any signs of the enemy, but they had no contact.

After they stopped to rest around mid-day, Jonas asked Jake to let Hailyn ride Dontas so they could talk. Jake sat next to Jonas in the wagon while Hailyn fell back to the rear. As they started moving again, Jake brought up something he had wanted to ask.

"Before you start, can I ask you something?" Jake said. "What happened to us back in the forest? I remember the demons and half-men closing in, then Dominic kneeling next to me. It was weird, but I felt like I was seeing your memories for a moment after I woke up."

"I'm not sure, Jake." Jonas replied, looking cautious. "I have some thoughts on it, but I would rather not say until we are both back in Sanduas. There we can study it safely and more closely."

"Leaving that aside, I wanted to talk with you about Dom." Jonas continued. "I know that you heard about his wife and child, as well as a brief account of his command. Those events are intertwined, both leading him to his current

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