The World According to Vince - Jane Harvey-Berrick Page 0,83

them: big, small, hairy, smooth-coated, rough-coated, young, old and all amazing in their own special way, giving love to their hoomans as they milled around the entrance to the Supreme Court, held back by a thin blue line of two startled-looking police officers and a roll of incident tape. As we watched, a second patrol car screeched to a halt with four more officers leaping out to help with crowd control as my followers surged forwards.

“This is your moment, Vince,” Gracie said, nudging me gently. “Go meet your adoring fans.”

I shrugged humbly and grinned at her. “They’re just dog lovers, like me.”

The Uber driver was shaking his head.

“I cain’t get through, man. There’s some crazy shit going on out there. Those your people?”

I nodded happily. “Yup, they’re my tribe.”

As soon as I climbed out of the car, the chants grew louder and the noise was incredible as hundreds of dogs all started barking at the same time. I threw back my head and howled like a wolf, laughing like fook as a thousand of my followers did the same.

The TV presenters on the news crews were trying to speak to camera but had to give up and just film the fookin’ fabulous mayhem that was happening as I moved through the crowd, shaking hands, shaking paws, stroking furry friends, and giving out hundreds of dog biscuits until my treat bag was empty.

“Sorry, buddy,” I said to a pit bull who smiled and showed me all his teeth.

I gave him a pat instead, and only left when Gracie grabbed my arm and tapped her wrist watch.

I climbed the steps to the Supreme Court and turned to face my fans.

“No walls for four paws!” I shouted.

I listened, awestruck, as the words were yelled back by the crowd, and I punched the air in triumph. I may not be good at much, but I recognized fellow animal lovers when I saw them.

A microphone was thrust in my face as a reporter with a bad quiff pushed his way through the crowd.

“Vince Azzo, the Canine Crusader, are you worried about the possibility that you’ll go to prison today? Do you have anything to say to your fans?”

I nodded and grinned. “I’m not worried about prison because this is America, land of the free, and although it’s been an epic struggle between the forces of darkness and true justice, I know that the jury will make the right decision. No dog deserves to be put in prison—they all deserve to have a home—and every animal lover knows I did the right thing. And besides,” I smiled, winking at Grace, “This is me lawyer, Gracie Cooper, and when we win this case, she’s promised to be me girlfriend, too.”

The crowd roared, and a thousand wolf howls echoed through the Manhattan morning.

Gracie’s cheeks were pink and she had the biggest smile on her face.

“Couldn’t have gone better,” she said, squeezing my arm. “Now let’s go and crush this case under the heel of justice!”

“Fook, you’re hot when you go all lawyer on me!”

Gracie gave me a sly smile. “I’ll take that under advisement,” and she winked.

I couldn’t get over the change in her from 24 hours ago. Yesterday, she’d been down and defeated, but now she was coming back fighting. For me. It had been a long time since anyone had fought that hard for Vince Azzo.

When I walked into the courtroom, my supporters in the audience cheered, and the press were busy making notes. The bailiff looked worried and spoke to the two security guards on the door.

I took my seat next to Gracie and pulled up my hood, shaking my head so my ears flopped around my face, causing people around us to laugh.

Except son of Satan, Randolph Barclay, who had a face like a smacked bottom. As usual.

Gracie held back a grin as the court was ordered to rise for the arrival of Judge Herschel.

As soon as the judge saw me, her eyes narrowed and her lips thinned. She looked like the kind of woman who would give Barclay a smacked bottom and tell him he liked it, too.

“Counsel, please approach the bench,” she barked.

Grace strode forward confidently. “Your Honor?”

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t charge the defendant with contempt of court. Be careful with your answer, Ms. Cooper, because I’m also considering charging you with contempt of court!”

I held my breath.

“Of course, your Honor,” Grace said, her voice clear and self-assured. “I requested that Mr. Azzo be himself today—it’s as simple Copyright 2016 - 2024