The World According to Vince - Jane Harvey-Berrick Page 0,54

obviously.” I cleared my throat. “What about you? Cady says you don’t date much but I don’t know why, ‘cause you’re a fookin’ knockout.”

“Thank you, I think.” She looked out of the window, watching Tyson playing tag with another dog.

“I dated a little in college but I was very self-conscious about my weight—or lack of it—so I never let anyone get close. When I went to law school, there just wasn’t any time. We had classes all day and studied all night—it was intense. I saw one guy for a while, but he became really competitive and not very nice when I beat him in tests, so that didn’t work out. And when I started working, first as an intern, then as a junior, it was expected that you put in 12 hour days or 14 hour days, and I’m still doing that. I have dated, but the men I’ve met didn’t like coming second to my job, and frankly, none of them were worth the compromise.”

“Until now,” I suggested hopefully.

She smiled without answering directly. “Cady says I’m a hopeless romantic because I’m picky, but I’d say that I’m a hopeful romantic.”

“I’m a romantic, too. I’m dead sensitive, I know poetry.”

“Really?” Gracie asked, her tone curious with a note of skepticism.

“Yeah! Here’s one me gran taught me.

My dearest, darling ducky,

I loves thee clean and mucky.

I loves to hold thee in my arms

And squeeze thee just like putty.”

Gracie laughed out loud. “Romantic poetry now has a whole new meaning for me!”

I grinned proudly. I loved making her laugh.


The wedding rehearsal went smoothly, and Cady was wreathed in smiles and glowing with happiness. Rick was quieter but a pure joy curved his lips every time he looked at my best friend.

I was introduced to his parents, who were quiet and reserved like him, and completely overwhelmed by Cady’s exuberant Jewish family. They were hugged and kissed and hugged again until they looked dazed.

I took pity on them and found a quiet alcove where they could sit down and drink a glass of champagne in peace before the dinner started.

Rick’s two friends from his rugby playing days had bonded immediately with Cady’s soldier brother, and the three of them were drinking shots before dinner, getting louder and louder. I thought that Vince would probably join them, but instead he was being unusually mature, and charming Cady’s two grandmothers.

Then he turned and nodded at me, said something to the grandmas who eyed me carefully, then he strode forwards carrying two more glasses of champagne.

“Alright, Gracie?” he asked, his voice carrying over the hubbub.

“Fine,” I smiled.

“I saw you rescue Rick’s mum and dad. They look gob-smacked.”

“Just a little. I think they’re like Rick—they prefer the quiet life. I’ll go chat with them in a minute.”

He passed me the champagne and kissed my cheek. “You’re top totty, Gracie.”

I shook my head at his choice of endearment, smiling despite myself. Vince was an acquired taste, and God help me, I’d definitely acquired it.

We were interrupted by Cady’s mother, Rachel.

“Hello, Grace honey, how are you?”

“Good, thank you, Rachel. I think you’ve met Vincent Azzo, Rick’s best man.”

“Only briefly,” she smiled. “It’s nice to meet you again, Vincent.”

“And you, Rachel,” Vince said. “I can see where Cady gets her luscious looks from.”

Rachel laughed. “Thank you very much! Cady has told me all about you, Vincent, or should I call you the Canine Crusader?”

Vince leaned in and whispered to her. “Only when I’m wearing me superhero cape.”

Rachel fluttered her eyelashes and glanced at me. “Oh, he’s got some slick lines, Grace honey. How long have you two been dating?”

“It feels like our whole lives,” Vince said before I could spit out a denial.

“We’re not dating!” I said, shocked, stepping away from him, stupid, annoying man.

“She’ll fall for my charms eventually,” Vince grinned unrepentantly, winking at Rachel.

“Only when the Earth stops spinning,” I muttered.

“You two make such a cute couple,” laughed Rachel. “I’ll be expecting an invitation to your wedding next.” And she strolled off to visit with Rick’s parents.

“Why did you tell her that?” I griped. “She’ll be gossiping about us now!”

Vince shrugged. “It felt true.”

“Well, it’s not!” I said, pointing a finger at him.

He grabbed my finger and pulled it gently to his lips, kissing it before sucking it into his mouth. I inhaled sharply, feeling an unexpected tingle of lust as my skin heated with a full-body blush.

Then he gave me a cheeky grin and leaned closer.

“You’ll change your mind, Gracie. I can wait.”

And he sauntered off, smiling Copyright 2016 - 2024