Work Me Good - Ali Parker Page 0,83

no one is willing to be the bigger man.”

“Does that include you?” I asked.

“Yes, to be honest. I have a lot of applications out there. I’m not limiting myself to CPA work. I’ll take just about anything.”

I hadn’t suspected it was this bad. “I’ll talk to everyone in thirty minutes.”

I walked into my office and flipped on the light. It looked exactly as it had when I walked out the door last week. I sat down at my desk and turned on my computer. I could check everyone’s work from my PC. I started popping in on various accounts and cringed when I realized we were really in bad shape.

I jotted down a few things, got myself organized, and then headed for the conference room. It was going to require nothing short of a miracle to get these people on board. Nash’s office door was closed. I was hoping he wouldn’t attend my impromptu meeting. I wanted to connect with what I very much considered to be my people.

“Hello, everyone,” I said as I walked in.

I noticed Lennie wasn’t there. He’d quit before I got the chance to retain him. “Another one bites the dust,” I murmured.

I stood at the front of the room and felt the tension and general apathy for being at work. It was sad to see how far the morale had fallen. “I want to start off by apologizing for what I did. I shouldn’t have up and left without giving anyone a second thought. I was dealing with my own issues.”

“Him you mean,” someone said. “He is an issue for everyone.”

“Guys, I’m not here to disparage the new owner,” I said. “Nash is the owner, and he is learning the ropes. We need to do our best to support him as the owner. We have all worked here a long time and each of us is invested in the clients we work for. Things have been tough these last few weeks, but we are tougher. We can do this together. We’ll get through this season and then we can take some time to reflect and maybe make some changes.”

They didn’t look convinced. “The only change we need is for George to come back.”

“Guys, George deserves to retire and be happy. And honestly, George wasn’t doing a lot of the hands-on stuff. That’s always been us.”

“But we had a good leader,” Lana said. “Someone we could trust to be good to us.”

I nodded. “I understand, and trust me, I get it. We have to make some changes. That’s evident and I am going to work hard to restore the high morale. We have all worked together for a long time. Don’t let one person destroy that. Think of the clients you’ve been working with for years. They trust you. They don’t care who signs the paychecks. I know many of you have developed great relationships. Let’s not mess that up. The clients don’t deserve to be put in a bad spot.”

“We’re so far behind,” Lana complained.

I nodded. “I get it. I can pick up a lot of the slack. Guys, I know no one wants to do it, but we’ve got some long days ahead of us. We’ll do what we do every year. We’ll pull some late nights and have a little fun. We’ll catch up. We always do. We can’t let this be the thing that destroys our excellent track record. I brought in donuts and the good coffee. We’ll load up and bust this out. If you guys want to work in here for a change of scenery, do it. I know this is going to be tedious, but we can do it. We’ve done it before.”

I felt the shift in the room and knew they were buying into my speech. I hated that I was going to have to work late. I hoped Jace would let me make it up to him. “I’ll order dinner,” I threw out. “Who wants Mexican?”

That pushed them over the line and onto my side once again. “Let’s get this done!” I said in my best cheerleader voice.

Everyone got up and started to filter out of the office. I felt better. My little speech actually pepped me up as well. I stepped out of the conference room and ran smack into Nash, who’d been lurking outside the door.

“What was that about?” he asked with his arms folded over his chest.

“We’re buying dinner for the team,” I said. “I’ll need the company credit card.”

“We?” he questioned.

“Yes, we. You’re Copyright 2016 - 2024