Work Me Good - Ali Parker Page 0,8

I help you?” she asked.

She was friendly enough, but it was too fake. “I’m here to see whoever is in charge.”

She gave me a funny look. “Is there something I can help you with specifically?”

“Yes, I specifically want to speak to whoever is in charge,” I said in a harsh tone. It was the same tone I used when I was lecturing or scolding an employee.

She jumped up. “Just a second.”

I watched as she scurried away. I scanned the open space behind the reception desk. There were desks positioned around the large room with doors lining one wall. I remembered those were bathrooms and I assumed a break room. On the opposite side of the room were three more doors with windows. Those would be the offices of the managers.

I observed the people in the office without them knowing I was there. They were chatting and talking and not a one of them was on the phone or dealing with a client. I saw one woman holding her phone, and from my view, it looked like she was checking social media.

I was growing more irritated by the second as I watched the staff. It pissed me off. I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and looked over to see what it was that drew my attention. It was the receptionist with a very sexy woman following her.

The woman, who I assumed was the boss, was walking toward me with a stern expression. Her dark hair was cut short, brushing just above her shoulders in thick chunks. The black skirt she was wearing was tight with a hem that hit just above the knee. Her beige blouse was tucked in, showing off her stunning curvy figure.

She walked closer and I realized I was looking at Saige Conway.

It couldn’t be. She was still here, and she was in charge. I shouldn’t have been surprised.

She came to a stop in front of me. Her pale blue eyes were locked on mine. We stared at each other for several seconds. I didn’t have to wonder if she recognized me. It was apparent.

“Hello,” I said.

“You requested to see me,” she said tersely.

“I asked to see whoever was in charge.”

“And I’m here.”

I smirked. “Yes, you are.”

“What can I do for you?” she asked again.

I looked at the receptionist and waited for her to get the hint. She nodded and walked back to her desk. I turned my attention to Saige. “I’d like to talk in my office,” I said.

She quirked one eyebrow. “Your office? Do you have an office nearby?”

“I have an office here.”


I wasn’t sure if she was purposely being obtuse or if she really didn’t know. “I don’t know where. I would like you to show me.”

“Mr. Aarons, I can’t show you because I don’t know.”

“Where is the old owner’s office?”


I shrugged. “If that was his name, yes.”

“George is in his office.”

“My office,” I corrected.

She narrowed her gaze, her lips pursing together. “He is in his office until the end of the day. For now, you don’t have an office.”

I clenched my jaw. “Fine, we’ll talk in your office.”

She forced a smile. “This way.”

I walked behind her and checked out her ass. A woman wearing a skirt that tight knew guys like me were going to look.

She stepped into her office and waited for me to walk in before closing the door. “Have a seat,” she said and walked around to sit behind her desk.

“I’d like to talk about operations,” I said.


I stared at her for a few seconds and wondered if I should address the elephant in the room. Did I acknowledge what happened between us? The way she was looking at me with something slightly above disdain told me it was better if I pretended it didn’t happen.

“I’d like to start by saying all decisions will need to go through me,” I stated.

“All decisions?” she asked.


“How exactly are we supposed to run all decisions through you when you aren’t here? We make decisions all day long. Are you asking me to call you every time the copier runs out of paper?”

She hadn’t changed. Saige was always a stubborn woman. She was convinced she knew better. Maybe she did in some things, but this was my business now. She was going to be a challenge. I needed to make sure every employee understood I was the owner. I was the boss. Saige was the lady in charge of day to day, but it was ultimately me.

“I’m asking you to run Copyright 2016 - 2024