Work Me Good - Ali Parker Page 0,6

was like a beacon lit up. “Found it!”

“No way!” she exclaimed.

“Line nineteen,” I said and quickly adjusted the number in the program, saved it, and sent it back to her email. “I just sent it to you. I’m glad you took the time to review this before pushing it off. That’s a sign of good workmanship and I truly appreciate it. The client will as well.”

“Thank you, Saige. I really appreciate your help.”

“You’re welcome.”

Everyone was on edge. I was doing my best to carry on like tomorrow wasn’t happening. I knew Nash, and I was almost positive we would be losing a few people in the coming days and weeks. Nash only knew numbers and money. He didn’t care about the people that produced those numbers or the money they made him.

I thought it was an asshole move to wait a full week before showing up. He was making the people sweat. His people. It pissed me off that he was lording his power and his money over good people that didn’t deserve to be treated like crap. A real man would have shown up on Monday and made the announcement with George. But not Nash Aarons. He was going to hide in his little ivory tower and do whatever pleased him.

I wasn’t going to give him a reason to fire me or anyone else under me. I spent the week dotting every single “i” and making sure all the “t’s” were crossed. If he wanted to fire one of us, he was going to have to look damn hard to find a reason.

When I got home that night, Joss was just serving the kids ice cream. I raised an eyebrow and checked the time. “It’s seven thirty,” I pointed out.

She grinned. “They were so good today. They deserved a treat.”

“But ice cream an hour before bed?”

“They were really good,” she insisted.

“All right, guys, go play,” I told them. “Run off some of that energy.”

“I’ll pour you a glass of wine,” she said, immediately knowing what I needed.

I kicked off my heels and ran my fingers through my short dark hair. I rubbed my scalp and tried to release the tension that had been building all week. “Thank you.”

She handed me a glass before we both moved to sit down at the kitchen table. “What happened?”

I had been busy all week and working late, making it impossible for me to tell her the big news. “Monday, it was announced our company had been bought out.”

Her jaw dropped. “Oh no! That is never good. Are you out of work?”

“No. Not yet. The boss assured us none of us were losing our jobs.”

“But you’re worried?” she asked.

“I am.”

“Saige, I don’t know shit about what you do, but I know you do it very well. You are very successful. No one is going to fire you.”

“There’s one little detail I haven’t told you.”


“I know the new owner,” I said.

“Did you work for him before?” she asked.

“No, actually, he was a client. It was almost ten years ago. I was just starting out in the business. He was a total dick. We clashed to say the least. He is arrogant and has this air about him that grates on my nerves. On everyone’s nerves. He is seriously one of the biggest pains in the asses I have ever had the misfortune of dealing with.”

She laughed. “That sounds bad.”

“It is bad. It’s very bad.”

“Do you think he’ll remember you?” she questioned.

I couldn’t imagine how he couldn’t remember me. “I’m not sure. I want to say yes, but maybe he doesn’t.”

“Did you guys part on bad terms?”

That was an understatement. “It definitely wasn’t great terms,” I said. I couldn’t tell her about my behind closed door involvement with him. I didn’t want to admit to that just yet. I had a feeling it was all going to come out soon enough. I wanted to enjoy my life the way it was just a little longer.

“Then he’ll remember you,” she said.


“Do you think he’ll try and get rid of you because of your past?” she asked.

I shook my head. “I have no idea.”

“You’re worried.”

“I kind of have to be worried. I can’t afford to lose my job.”

She nodded. I could feel her shrinking me. I supposed it would be hard not to psychoanalyze people. I was always thinking about numbers and tax breaks. “Can I give you my two cents?”

“You know I welcome your two cents,” I said with a smile. “You have the best cents.”

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