Work Me Good - Ali Parker Page 0,47

him my best plan to keep as much money in his pocket while reducing his tax burden significantly. I explained what I was doing and answered every single one of his questions. It was good that he was interested. If it were my money, I would want to know how it was being handled.

“And that’s all legal?” he asked.

“It is. It is perfectly legal. I would never lead you astray.”

“I bet you could lead any man astray,” he said.

“I vowed to only use my powers for good,” I said with a wink.

I saw amusement in his eyes. “I would hate to see when you turned those powers to the dark side. A man would follow you into hell.”

“I would hope not.” I laughed.

“But they would,” he said.

I looked at him, and for a brief moment, I got lost in his eyes. His husky voice sent chills running down my spine. I bet he was good in bed. A man like that with that kind of intensity about him would be amazing.

“So, tell me about this business you’ve got. Is it yours?”

“It’s mine.”

“I meant did you inherit?”

He shook his head. “No. This was all me. I did this with my own two hands. I’m not a wealthy man yet, but I’m going to be. I’m going to go back to all those firms that refused to take my business because it wasn’t a big enough account and laugh in their faces. They see me as a flash in the pan. I’m not. I’m here to stay.”

“I’m looking at your taxes,” I said with a coy smile. “It’s the most intimate thing a person can do in my opinion. I don’t know what you consider wealthy, but I would say you are well on your way to throwing this in their faces. I don’t think you are a flash in the pan. I’m looking at your income from last year and I see steady growth. It’s impressive.”

“Thank you,” he said. “I appreciate the compliment. It’s been a lot of work.”

“Do you think it’s worth it?”

His head bobbed up and down. “Absolutely. I’m a driven man. When I say I’m going to do something, I do it. I told everyone in my life I was going to do this on my own and they laughed.”

“I’m guessing they won’t be laughing long,” I said with a laugh.

“With you managing my money, I just might be there within the year.”

I leaned forward, knowing the action would give him the slightest glimpse of the lace under my blouse. “Does that mean I’ve got the job?” I asked him in a breathy voice.

He matched my move and leaned across my desk. “Does that mean you’re willing to take on a difficult client?”

“I like a good challenge.”

“Me too,” he said with a sexy as sin smile.

I leaned back. “Then I guess we’re officially in a relationship.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Are we?”

“Yes, I’m your accountant. That is a business relationship.”

He chuckled before getting to his feet. “Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. I know I’ve earned a bad reputation.”

“I guess I’m drawn to those bad reputations,” I said. “I look for the diamond in the rough.”

“Baby, I’m about to shine brighter than any other diamond you’ve seen. Give me a year and I’m going to do it.”

I was drawn to his cockiness. He was so confident. “I’ll be watching.”

“You’ll call me?” he asked.

“What? Call you?”

He nodded at the papers scattered around my desk. “Once you’ve got all that stuff filled out. Call me and I’ll come in for another meeting.”

“Oh, you don’t have to come in,” I told him. “I can shoot you an email.”

He looked me directly in the eyes. “I would prefer to come in and see you in person, if that’s okay.”

I nodded. “That would be okay.”

He winked and headed out of my office. His phone rang just before he made it to the door. “Hey, babe,” I heard him answer.

My mouth dropped open. “Babe?” I whispered.

He had a babe and yet he was flirting with me. He’d called me baby! Maybe it was just the way he talked. I convinced myself he was still an eligible bachelor. Flirting with him was the highlight of my day.

No way was I going to feel guilty about it.

Present Day

“Saige?” I heard my name and blinked several times. Lana was standing in my office doorway. “Are you okay?”

I cleared my throat. “I’m fine. What’s up?”

“I am going to lunch,” she said. “I wanted to make Copyright 2016 - 2024