Work Me Good - Ali Parker Page 0,164

I kept peeking around the wall to watch them. I didn’t really notice it before, but I noticed now as I stared at the backs of their heads. Their hair color was almost identical. I noticed the similarities between them a little more every time they were together. We were walking into dangerous territory.

“All right, did you order the movie?” I asked as I carried the sandwiches in on a plate.

“We did,” Jace said with a bright smile.

I put the sandwiches on the coffee table next to the bowl of popcorn. I sat down on one end of the couch with Jace in the middle and Nash on the other end. We started the movie and settled in. Nash had his arm stretched across the back of the couch. He would occasionally run his fingers over my shoulder. He would offer me a smile or wink and I would smile in return.

We did all this without letting Jace see. It was kind of fun to sneak around. After the movie, Jace was antsy. I should have known there was no such thing as a lazy day with an energetic little boy. “It stopped raining,” Jace said. “Can we go to the park?”

“We’re supposed to have a lazy day,” I told him. “I’m not even dressed.”

“Just for a little bit,” Jace said.

I blew out a breath. If I didn’t get the kid out of the house, he was going to be spun out for the rest of the day. “Fine, I need to get dressed,” I said before looking at Nash. “Would you like to extend your day of fun with a trip to the park?”

“Sure, sounds good.”

I was confused by his attitude. This was not the same Nash I knew from work. “All right, I’m going to clean up and put some real clothes on.”

“Do you need any help?” he offered.

“Stop,” I hissed.

“I had to try.”

I left him in the living room and quickly dressed. I washed my face and redid my messy hair a little. I brushed my teeth, just in case there was a chance I could sneak a kiss while Jace was distracted. I felt like I owed him at least a kiss. He didn’t know what an impact he was making in Jace’s world. Watching a movie with him and simply being near was making Jace very happy.

When I returned to the living room, Nash had cleaned up. He was loading the dishes into the dishwasher with a dish towel draped over his shoulder. “What are you doing?”

“Cleaning up,” he said.

“Do you even know how to use a dishwasher?” I teased.

“Very funny. Like I mentioned before, I was alone a lot and I did the majority of the housework. I’ll admit I haven’t done the dishes in a few years but it’s not all that hard.”

I stepped forward and was about to kiss him when I heard Jace’s bedroom door open. “I’m ready,” Jace said as he bounded out of his bedroom. “Can we go?”

“Saved by the bell,” he whispered.

“Are you ready?” I asked Nash.

“I am. We can take my car.”

“Uh, I don’t think a Porsche is going to work.”

“I brought the Escalade,” he said with a laugh.

“Oh, then by all means,” I said.

We went to the park that was thankfully not too busy. I sat on a bench and watched Jace and Nash. In the back of my mind, I could hear Joss lecturing me. Watching the two of them together was making me question my decision. Was I wrong to have kept the secret?

I didn’t know what to think. Part of me was certain this was still just a passing fancy for Nash. He’d move on soon enough. He would remember he didn’t want a family. Jace would be hurt when Nash left, but it wouldn’t be nearly as bad if he knew Nash was his father. That would crush my son. I couldn’t let it happen.

They came over a little later out of breath and looking very satisfied. “Nash said we can go get milkshakes,” Jace said.

“He did?” I asked with raised brows.

“I’m thirsty,” Nash said. He was out of breath. “I used to think I was in shape. Not anymore. I can’t keep up with an eight-year-old.”

“They are machines,” I said. “All right, let’s go get some milkshakes.”

He drove us to a diner. We were quickly seated. Jace was even more hyper than before the park. “You broke him,” I said to Nash. “And now you’re going to give him ice cream.”

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