Work Me Good - Ali Parker Page 0,146

said. “Is this another business to add to your portfolio?”

I wasn’t talking about this with her or anyone. “I’m not sure,” I said. “I need to get ready, but I expect to be back within a couple of hours.”

“We’ll be ready.”

“Order room service or go to the hotel restaurant if you’d like. Charge it to the room.”

“You don’t have to do that,” she said.

“Please, let me do it. You guys agreed to come along with me. I appreciate the company. It gets a little lonely.”

She smiled and stepped forward. “We’re happy to be along.” She gave me a quick kiss. “Have a good meeting and I’ll see you when you get back.”

I stared at her for several seconds. This was not what I did. I didn’t have a cup of coffee in the morning while in my pajamas with a woman. I didn’t get a kiss goodbye in the morning.

I shook it off and went into my room to shower and get ready, but I couldn’t shake the feeling of having someone’s arms around me. Not in a physical sense, but just the feeling of being held and appreciated. It was unfamiliar but good.

She kissed me and it wasn’t sexual. It was a kiss that said hello and goodbye. It was the kind of kiss that I saw couples sharing. I never experienced it. When I kissed a woman or vice versa, it was for one reason only—sex. The kiss was a precursor to sex. I wasn’t aroused but I was looking forward to being with her as soon as I got this meeting out of the way.

I dressed for success in one of my better suits before leaving the hotel. Her door was closed, and I didn’t want to disturb her or risk waking up Jace. The kid was going to have a busy day and needed his rest. The hired car drove me to the building. I didn’t immediately get out. I looked up at the building and told myself I was going to do this. I had to do it.

“I’ll be an hour at most,” I told the driver.

“I’ll be here.”

I climbed out and went inside. It was a Saturday morning, but money didn’t sleep. The people streaming into the office building were there to make money or make their clients more money. I found the right office on the map and stepped into the elevator. My palms were actually sweaty, which pissed me off. I did not want to be nervous or anxious.

I was a successful man. Far more successful than him. I could do this. I stepped off the elevator and looked around. A pretty receptionist was sitting behind a tall desk with a headset on. I confidently stepped forward and announced I had an appointment.

“Please have a seat,” she said with a smile. “There’s coffee and pastries.”

“Thanks,” I said and walked into the open seating area.

The smell of fresh, rich coffee filled the room. Most of the offices were dark, but business was still hopping. There was a young woman, his assistant I assumed, sitting at a desk outside of the grand office with ornate doors. It was all about appearances. He wanted to be a king. He wasn’t an aristocrat, but he could pretend. The assistant yawned and quickly covered her mouth.

I was glad my people got weekends off. It was just another thing I learned not to do. I worked my people hard, but seven days a week was cruel. I walked around the area and looked at the various framed pictures on the walls. There were photos of the company owner with dignitaries, Hollywood types, and other rich people.

Another wall was dedicated to just him. I crossed the lobby to see a large photo of him sitting behind his desk looking like the powerful man he was. There was a short bio under the picture that outlined his rise to the top of the business world. Reading the little blurb about him and his life made it seem like he was hatched. There was no mention of family. Nothing. It was all about him.

I sat down and waited. I wasn’t surprised by the pretentiousness of the office and the shrine to him and his success. I felt my lip curling and had to remind myself to keep it cool. I had no doubt in my mind he was making me wait on purpose. It was a power move. He wanted to show he was in charge. It was the oldest trick Copyright 2016 - 2024