Work Me Good - Ali Parker Page 0,126

were just misunderstood and deep down you really were a good guy. I fell for your bullshit. I hope that makes you proud.”

“I never tried to be anything but who I was with you Saige. I am who I am. You know how important my business is to me.”

“I know how important wealth and prestige are to you,” she snapped. “I’m too low on the social totem pole for you. You’re a coward. You have no honor. You only do what’s best for you and don’t give a shit about the people you hurt to get what you want.”

“That’s not true,” I argued. “I did not want to hurt you. I tried to pull back, but you just kept coming back to me. That’s on you.”

Her mouth fell open. “Seriously? You’re going to say it’s my fault you kept seeing me? Be a man, Nash. Grow a pair of balls and just say it. You were using me. You needed to get laid, and I was a willing victim.”

“You are not a victim.”

She shook her head. “You are wrong. You made me a victim. You made me believe there was something more between us. I thought you were changing.”

I shrugged. “I’m sorry you feel that way, but you want to play house and settle down in the suburbs. I’ve got goals. A wife and kids dragging me down is not in the cards for me.”

She flinched and literally took a step back. “Okay.”

She walked toward the door and tried to push me out of the way. I didn’t miss the tears in her eyes. “Saige, wait. I want us to be friends.”

“I would never be friends with a man like you.”

“Don’t be mad,” I insisted and refused to move. Inside, I was hurting just as much as she was. I didn’t want to do this to her. If I didn’t do it now, it would only happen down the road. I was heading off a problem before it got worse.

“I don’t care, Nash. I’m done. You no longer have the power to hurt me. In fact, I’m not even mad. I just don’t care. Now move out of my way before I have to knee you in the balls.”

I stepped to the side. I had no doubt in my mind she would do it. “Call me if you ever need anything,” I said as she walked out the door.

“I would call my worst enemy before I ever called you. I never want to see your face again. Lose my number. You are officially blocked from my life. You will never be allowed to hurt me again.”

Her words cut deep. I had no doubt in my mind she meant them. I was not going to see her again. Part of me had hoped we could at least be friends. I did like her, and I respected her. She was fun to be around, and I enjoyed our time together.

“Bye, Saige,” I said.

She kept walking as she flipped me the middle finger. I went back inside and closed the door. “Fuck,” I said aloud.

I walked to the counter and poured myself another drink. I was pretty sure that couldn’t have gone any worse. I knew it was for the best. I was never going to be the right man for her. She deserved someone who could treat her better than I could. Saige was special. She needed a man that was settled and ready to start a family.

It was two months after I last saw Saige. I stared into the full-length mirror at the Vegas hotel. I adjusted my bowtie and smoothed back my hair. I was doing it. I was pulling the trigger. Mel’s father loved me and had been on board with this whole quickie wedding thing. She wanted to get married right away. I didn’t see any reason why we shouldn’t.

We posed for pictures with her family and attended a lavish reception hosted by her family. It was a real who’s who of the movers and shakers not just from New York, but across the country. I smiled from my seat on the dais. I had arrived.

When we got back to New York, we moved into the penthouse we found before we jetted off to Vegas. I had the right zip code and the right connections. Nothing could stop me from reaching my goals now. After returning from our honeymoon, I happened to stop at a coffee shop when I thought I saw a familiar face.

“Saige?” I said her Copyright 2016 - 2024