Work Me Good - Ali Parker Page 0,122

idiot I was. I wanted to drink in silence.

Chapter 49


I was shaking I was so angry. I was mad at myself and Nash. I was mad at Jace for behaving the way he did. I was mad at the principal for letting the problem get this bad and I was really mad at the kids that just wouldn’t let up.

“I’m picking up dinner,” I said to Jace. “Chicken nuggets or a burger?”

“Are you really mad at me?” he asked.

“I’m angry. Yes.”

“At me?”

“Do you want a cheeseburger?” I asked.

“Yes, please,” he murmured.

I ordered food for four and drove to Joss’s house. When we got there, Jace got out of the car but lacked his usual enthusiasm. I didn’t blame him. I wasn’t exactly feeling peppy. I rang the bell and waited.

“Hi,” Joss said as she opened the door wide.

“I brought dinner.”

“I have wine,” she said with a laugh. “I think we’re going to need it.”

We sorted out the food and sent the kids out back to eat and play while we sat at the dining-room table. “How are you?” she asked.

“Pissed,” I answered. “Really pissed.”

“Me too.”

“Is Caitlyn okay?” I asked.

“She’s fine. She was pretty upset about all of it, but she’s going to be okay.”

I shook my head. “I’m so sorry. This is such a mess. If these kids would just leave him alone it would be fine. I don’t get it.”

“It is awful, and I can’t imagine how you feel. This has been going on too long.”

“Did Caitlyn say what happened?”

“She said she was on the playground and a couple of the kids that she stood up to the other day started taunting her. At first, she said it was okay and then other kids chimed in.”

I groaned. “Like a mob.”

She nodded. “The mob mentality is strong.”

“Poor Caitlyn. It’s sad. I hate that our kids are getting picked on. They aren’t bad kids.”

“I’m glad Jace was there,” she said. “He rescued Caitlyn. She really sees him as her hero.”

That softened me a little toward what he did. “He hit the kid,” I said. “That is not okay.”

“I don’t think it’s okay, but I’m glad he stepped in. Caitlyn said they were throwing things at her. She really was scared. She thought they were going to hurt her. Jace saw them giving her a hard time and ran across the playground. He did try to tell them to stop, but they wouldn’t. Caitlyn said they were taunting him. They threatened to beat him up after school. Jace stepped right up to the ringleader and I guess popped him in the nose.”

I burst into laughter. “Oh my goodness. That is such an inappropriate response. I can’t laugh.”

She grinned. “I think you have to laugh. Your little guy is a fierce protector. I have a feeling those two are going to be tighter than ever. They are going to be two peas in a pod.”

“Did he hurt the boy?” I asked. “I didn’t ask the principal. I was so pissed.”

“No. I spoke with the teacher that was out there. He said it was nothing more than a little tussling. The fight was noticed almost immediately and broken up before it got out of hand.”

“Thank god,” I muttered. “I couldn’t deal with that. I’m at my wits end.”

“When did Jace become a little Mike Tyson?” she teased.



“Nash showed him how to box,” I said. “Apparently, Jace took what he learned to heart.”

She laughed. “Oh my gosh. I would say so. You let him box?”

“I didn’t know where we were going until we were there. I should have stopped it.”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. Just think what could have happened if Jace hadn’t stood up for himself.”

“They might not have fought at all,” I said.

“Or Caitlyn might have gotten hurt,” she pointed out.

“I don’t want him to think the only answer is to fight,” I said.

“Why did Nash show him how to box?”

“He said it would give him confidence,” I explained. “Nash thinks Jace is the target because he’s timid. He said Jace needs to carry himself with more confidence and then the bullies will back off.”

“That makes sense,” she said. “I think it’s a good idea to give him something to fall back on. Honestly, what he did today was remarkable. He’s been picked on and physically assaulted and yet he still stood up for my baby girl. The kid deserves a medal and some ice cream.”

I couldn’t help but smile. “This is true. I guess he is a brave kid.”

“Yeah, he is. I Copyright 2016 - 2024