Work Me Good - Ali Parker Page 0,100

“Fuck you.”

I laughed. “Sorry, habit. Someone says that and my first question is, am I the daddy?”

“I’m the daddy,” he said.

“Okay. Next question, is this a good thing?”

He laughed. “It’s a surprise thing, but it’s good. It caught me off guard, but I’m cool with it.”

“Congratulations then.”

“Thanks. I’m still trying to get my head around it. I can’t believe I’m going to have a kid.”

“You’re old enough for it,” I said with a laugh.

“Look who’s talking. Are you just going to keep poaching Saige’s kid to satisfy your daddy cravings?”

“I’m not poaching her kid. I was offering my manliness to help the kid out.”

He rolled his eyes. “Is that even a thing?”

“She wanted him to have a male influence. I volunteered my services.”

“What’d you do? Scratch? Burp? Look at women?”

“I took him fishing,” I said.

He frowned. “You did what?”

“We went fishing. We had to go buy gear but then we went fishing.”

“How in the hell did you do that?”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“How did you go fishing? Did you pay someone?”

He was being an asshole. “I’m not a total pussy. I can fish and do the stuff you probably do all the time. I choose not to.”

“Why are you doing it?” he asked. “In all the years I’ve known you, fishing is not something I have ever heard or seen you do.”

“Like I said, he needed a male influence. He’s getting bullied and she’s worried he’s too soft because he doesn’t have a father around.”

He slowly shook his head. “You’re walking into some seriously dangerous territory.”

“I know how to fish.”

“You don’t know how to handle kids. Have you ever been around them?”

“No, but I’m not planning on kidnapping the kid and keeping him for myself,” I said sarcastically. “I felt bad for the kid and wanted to help out.”


“Because I’m not a fucking scumbag. I can feel bad for people, especially kids.”

“Did it hurt?” he teased.

“Man, I have to ask myself almost every damn time I talk to you why I talk to you. You are just a real piece of work.”

“Because I’m the only one that can tolerate your bullshit.” He grinned.

“I need to find new friends,” I muttered.

“Probably, but we both know you won’t.”

“I might.”

“You won’t,” he said. “Tell me about the kid.”

“He’s smart. A little shy, but I think he’s lacking self-confidence. You know how it is.”

“How old is he?” he asked.


“You know, I think you have to be really careful,” he said. His expression revealed his concern.

“With what? I already said there isn’t a baby daddy that’s going to get jealous.”

“With him. He’s old enough to get hurt by this.”

I shook my head. “By what?”

“You’re popping in for a minute. You’re not in this for the long run. He’s going to get attached and then you bounce out of his life. That’s not fair to him.”

“I’m not trying to be his dad,” I said. “I’m spending a little time with him to give him some male influence. You know how it is when you’re that age. You look to your dad or grandpa or an uncle for everything. You develop your mannerisms, language, everything from following your parents. He is a lot like Saige. He even stands like her.”

He nodded. “I get it, and I agree, but, and I say this not to be a dick, but you’re not exactly reliable in the relationship department.”

“I’m not trying to date the kid,” I said.

“No, but are you trying to date the mom by getting close to the kid?”

“No! Shit. Why are you trying to make this a bad thing? I hung out with them for a couple of hours. There was nothing more to it than that. Saige and I aren’t dating. We aren’t going to date.”

“You just have sex after hours?” he teased.

“Actually, yes. It’s not anything more than that. There is no reason to read into anything. Contrary to your opinion, I’m not a total asshole. I can be friends with people other than you. Saige is a nice person, and I didn’t see a problem with me hanging out with her and Jace for a little bit. It isn’t like we are having sleepovers or spending every day together.”

He held up his hands. “All right, I get it. I’m not trying to warn you away from her, but just be careful of the kid and his feelings.”

“I get it. I’ll make sure he knows me and his mom are just friends. I don’t want him getting any ideas about me being his new Copyright 2016 - 2024