Wolves at the Door - Lidiya Foxglove Page 0,60

nice and warm,” Jake said. “Get in the car.”

He took the driver’s seat this time and started going off the main road down some side road out to gods-knew-where.

“Did you scope out a place to have sex in the woods!? Or are you just driving wherever?”

“We scoped out a place to run around in our wolf forms,” Jake said. “Just in case we get the urge to do a little hunting. But if we’re too busy chasing you, maybe we won’t need to.”

After driving for about twenty minutes, he pulled up to a park or nature preserve. It seemed to be one of those largely ignored places with nothing more than a sign with some trail maps, no gate or restroom. The lonely road and the dark woods were a bit intimidating to me at night, especially since I could smell the swampy atmosphere even through the November chill.

“Is this the night I get eaten by a gator?”

“This is the night you get eaten by wolves,” Jake said, his eyes and smile gleaming at me in the dark after he cut the engine on the van.

Okay, I walked into that one.

“It’s safe,” Jasper said. “Our night vision is good. And we can smell danger coming.”

“But you have to admit this is a little like the setup for a murder.”

Jake laughed as he took a blanket out of the back. “Are you worried that you might get murdered tonight? If we were actually secret murderers, we wouldn’t be spending time trying to figure out how to wrangle a relationship with you and Graham and Byron.”

“I think it’s pretty romantic here,” Jasper said. “I like outdoors dates.”

I guess this was a wolf thing I’d have to get used to. I liked ‘outdoors dates’ too, but I had never defined them as ‘let’s drive into a lonely bayou at night and fuck on a blanket’. It was obvious that neither of them found this weird at all. It was likely all their previous girlfriends (hopefully few in number) had been fellow wolves.

So I would just have to trust them. They took my hands again and led me down a path. Dark trees, still thick with green leaves and smelling rich with life, blotted out the stars and the moon the moment we stepped onto it. The dirt path soon led to a boardwalk that lifted over a swampy forest with patches of shallow water and lush flora. I could barely see more than a gleam of moonlight on dark water, the shadowed fingers of cypress knees, and the dark trunks surrounding us. The buzz and trill of night creatures was quite loud. My eyes were slowly adjusting, and I started to see finer details of moss and the grooves in the tree trunks.

This was not at all the way I expected the night to go, but as we walked I found it unexpectedly romantic after all. My initial fear melted away. Jake and Jasper seemed so at ease in the forest. No warlock or incubus would take me to a nature trail at night.

After a little ways, we reached a spot on the boardwalk that widened with some benches, and the moon was right above us. Jake spread out the blanket.

“How’s this for privacy?” Jake asked.

“It’s beautiful.” Once I stopped worrying about the dangers of a forest at night, knowing they were probably minimal with two wolves beside me, it was like a dream. I always loved roaming the woods of my parents’ house in New York, and when we went to Palm Beach in the winter I would walk along the ocean by moonlight. It actually felt right. “But I am cold.”

“We’ll take care of that.” We folded together. Jasper kissed me as Jake put his hands around me from behind. I leaned back into Jake while my neck angled forward to meet Jasper.

“Still too far apart,” I murmured, reaching for Jasper and hooking my fingers on his belt loops. “I said I wanted a sandwich.”

“Pretty naughty, Hel,” Jake chided me.

“Well, if I am going to descend into Sinistral, I might as well do it right…ohh…” Jake’s lips fluttered along my jaw as Jasper’s tongue slipped into my mouth. Jasper’s kiss was tender, exploring my tongue with his own, but just as my tongue explored back, he nudged me over to Jake and now the other brother’s mouth met mine.

And they were both so hard, pressed against me. In every way.

“Maybe we don’t even need the blanket. We could just pin you

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