The Wolf's Surrender - By Kendra Leigh Castle Page 0,54

deal with, and it was long past time to lay down her own rules.

“I was told I would have a choice. And frankly, I’m tired of being treated like my feelings don’t matter. In the last two days, I’ve been told that I’m going to turn into a werewolf in less than a week, I can’t go back to my normal life, and that I have to...” Ugh, she couldn’t say it. “Have to compromise myself so that I don’t go insane. Oh, and there’s also the fact that my now-ex is insane and hunting me because he thinks he can use my blood to open a magical portal. If there are any other decisions to be made, I’m making them for myself.”

For the first time, she saw a glimmer of that compassion Kenyon had insisted Tomas had—the thing that had spared Jeff in the first place.

“I’m sorry, Mia. These feral situations are never easy, which is why it’s good they don’t happen very often. But since Gaines was one of mine, it falls to me to take in his victims. In this case, you. The old laws, which we live by, say as much. If it’s any consolation, it works the same for males and females...this isn’t about sex, but about responsibility. We take care of our own.”

Maybe he was being sincere. But to Mia, he just sounded smug.

Kenyon’s voice drew her attention, soft and warm. He’d lost his grim expression, and now looked at her with hope in his pretty blue eyes. No wonder, Mia thought. No wonder he’s been so strange with Jenner. He doesn’t just like me. He’s trying to stake a claim on me.

Then she realized that with Jenner out of the way, he could well be the man she chose. He wasn’t an unappealing option—just not the one she wanted. And maybe that was a warning sign, because so far, the men she did want in her life had ranged from indifferent and unsuitable to downright appalling. It was something to think about.

One thing, however, required no thought at all.

“I was told I could make my own decision, and that’s what I intend to do,” Mia said, her voice stronger now. “I won’t be forced into something I don’t want. Pack doesn’t matter to me, and I’m certainly not going to be boxed in that way. This is the only choice I get in all of this, and it will be completely my own.” She cast a pointed glare at all of the gathered men. She doubted the other werewolf females had to put up with crap like this. Of course, they’d either been born into the life or had made the choice themselves. But she refused to be a prize to be fought over.

Tomas and Kenyon looked thunderstruck.

“This isn’t—” Tomas began.

“She’s right,” Bane interrupted, his voice gruff. “This isn’t for us to say. None of us, Pack Law be damned.”

Tomas looked disgusted, but he finally gave a grudging nod before turning his dark and gleaming gaze back on Mia. “Well. I won’t fight you on it. It’s your life. But you might want to give some thought to which pack can provide you with the kind of life you want. And you might also want to think about the fact that Lunari—shadow hunters—don’t take mates. Especially not when they’ve had to kill one already.”

“That’s way the hell out of line, Tomas,” Bane snapped. Mia appreciated the defense, but when she snuck a glance at Jenner, he looked away, his expression stony, and stalked from the room, slamming the door behind him. He’d told her he was off limits for initiation, for anything but protection. And she could see he’d meant it. But Tomas’s nasty barbs were painting a more detailed, and disturbing picture, of just why.

Jenner was so self-contained, she wondered whether she’d ever know the truth of it...or if it would matter if she did.

“I plan to weigh all my options,” Mia said calmly, meeting Tomas’s gaze without flinching. “I’m just telling you that I will be looking at all the options. Not just one.”

“Fair enough.” That was Kenyon, and for once his unwavering support of her was a relief. She allowed him to help her from the chair.

When she stood, she slid her hand from the warm reassuring pressure of Kenyon’s and said her goodbyes. They might not be finished for the evening, but she was. It wasn’t that she wanted to be with Jenner, per se, though his sudden exit Copyright 2016 - 2024