Wolf's Hunger (Mafia Monsters #5) - Atlas Rose Page 0,55

advances of another FBI agent against me?”

Volkov looked confused. That made two of us.

“You don’t understand what’s happening here, Carina,” Harlan said condescendingly, snapping my last fucking strand.

“No, you don’t understand. Murphy attacked me. He lured me out to some fucking farm and tried to rape me. He would have, too, if Phantom and his pack hadn’t been there. They weren’t the ones responsible for his death. They were with me the entire time.”

“It’s not just about the death,” Harlan continued. “There’ve been attacks all across the city. Wolf packs are moving in, and this time they’re not staying across the river. We’ve allowed this to continue for too long. They’re a pest, a menace. One we won’t allow to invade any longer. It’s time we put a stop to this invasion and, Carina, we need your help to do it.”

“It’s Chase,” I growled through my teeth, snapping my gaze from Harlan to Volkov. “My name is Special Agent Chase. You don’t get to be so…so…fucking familiar.” Heat rushed to my cheeks.

My body shook, wracked with tremors as I shoved to stand up. “They are not a pest, or a goddamn menace. And the reason why you have random fucking attacks happening all across your precious city is because you’re hunting down the only ones who can stop it. This is Phantom’s city and he defends it.” I was unraveling, coming apart at the seams. “Only you’re too fucking stubborn and prejudiced to see it. They aren’t invading our world, Commander. You’re driving them from theirs.”

I was already stumbling, already shoving the chair aside as I lunged for the door…with tears streaming down my face. This wasn’t like me…this wasn’t going to bring them back.

If I couldn’t save them here…then I had to find a way to get to them.

Any way I could.


The Wolfhunt raged for days. Days turned into a week….and I was coming apart at the seams.

Food went untouched. Sleep backed itself into a corner and swiped at me with wicked claws when I tried to get near. I sat in that empty bed with the scratchy sheets and thought of them…every second of the goddamn day.

I felt sick, this was more than being nauseated. I was heartbroken, pining like some pathetic lust-consumed teenager on the brink of collapse. I wasn’t normal. I wasn’t me.

Harlan might’ve wanted me back, but no one else did. I was watched 24/7, unable to take even a bathroom break without someone needing to fix their goddamn hair while I sat on the toilet and tried not to break down.

There was no getting through to Harlan, no amount of explaining the real version of events that had happened. The case files of the fire and the homicide were blocked to me. I tried all my usual tricks, even asking the others. But no one was talking to me, let alone trusting me. I couldn’t investigate it myself even if I wanted to. I had nothing. Nothing.

Bullshit duties and paperwork waited, piled high on my desk. Underneath it all lay the DNA report of the bloodstains from the warehouse. I fingered the corner of the folder, touching it before sliding it back underneath the waiting mountain, and all the while, Harlan was there, the every-watchful, dutiful commander. Only, when he thought I wasn’t looking, he wasn’t watching me like a commander—he was watching me like a man.

I was uncomfortable with the attention and aggravated by the silence, the cold, empty silence. While inside, I was screaming and raging. Chaos threatened, that ache welling in the pit that had once housed my heart. There was only pain there now, only emptiness and the clinking of broken shards, remnants of what had been my heart. But still, they hadn’t found my Wolves, hadn’t found a single one.

And they never would.

My Alpha would run, he’d track Church and Walker, then he’d circle back.

My pulse quickened at the thought.

I kicked at the sheets, hating how the scent on the cheap cotton only smelled like me. There wasn’t a whiff of them, not anywhere, not on my lips…or between my legs. I slid my hand lower, down my stomach to cup myself. Closer. If I could just reach them, just connect to them somehow. I cast a glance at the closed bedroom door.

That’s it, special agent, ride my hand. A shiver tore free with the memory. I wanted more than their cocks, wanted more than their hunger. I wanted them…all of them.

Heat built with the memory of them. No

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