Wolf's Hunger (Mafia Monsters #5) - Atlas Rose Page 0,42

back a storm. Because this one had been building for an eternity.

“Ruth,” the Vampire Alpha growled. “We have an alliance with the Wolves.”

“But she’s not a Wolf, is she?” The bitch’s eyes glittered with amusement.

Phantom edged closer, as did Arran and Vitold, and their movements didn’t go unnoticed and spoke volumes. Ruth’s eyes widened. I didn’t miss the flinch as she watched Arran. It was my turn to leaned against him possessively.

“When we’re quite finished with the pissing contest,” the commanding Vampire muttered, and cut Ruth a glance with one brow raised.

I rattled her cage.

Yeah, well, she rattled mine as well.

I stepped closer to Arran. “On second thought,” I murmured, taking the Scotch from his hand. Arran just watched me with a hunt of amusement in his eyes. “I’ll have your drink.”

I knew something had gone down between them, I’d even watched them from the bushes as they sat in his Jeep at the edge of the river. My Jeep now…as was the Wolf. I turned, pressing my back against him.

“Elithien,” Phantom addressed the Vampire. “You said there were updates.”

One glance my way, and the Alpha downed his glass and strode toward the bar.

“You want to do this here?” Elithien questioned, not bothering to look my way.

“Why the hell not?” I growled, pushing him. “Let’s lay it all out on the table, shall we?”

There was a twitch in the corner of the stuffy dead-dude’s mouth as Phantom gave a slow nod.

“Very well then.” Elithien exhaled nice and slow. “Finis has been spotted.” Phantom jerked his gaze toward the Vampire as he finished softly. “Over two thousand miles away in the city of Innana.”

The silence in the room was deafening.

“That’s a lie.” Phantom gave a shake of his head.

The tension grew more desperate and savage as Elithien’s voice softened. “I’m afraid it’s not. My men tracked him there four days ago and he hasn’t left. They watched his every move, hoping he was going to show his hand and finally lead us to your sister.”

Pain slashed across Phantom’s gaze. In that moment I forgot all about my own hate and loathing as the floor fell out from underneath me. All I saw was desperation…cruel, clawing desperation. “But I saw him, Phantom…I saw—”

“I know,” he answered, his voice growing darker. “I know you did.”

The room spun around me, tilting and darkening. It was Finis…it had to be.

“He’s been there all along,” Elithien assured. “They’ve been tracking his every move.”

“And you trust these men of yours?”

The Vampire gave a nod. “Absolutely.”

Phantom took a step toward him, leveling him with a dangerous stare. “Because if they’re lying to you, I’ll fucking tear them apart.”

“Me along with you, brother.” Elithien’s voice hardened. “But they assure me, on their lives, that it was him. They watched him coming and going, even sent images and video as verification for you to view. Rule,” he glanced to the massive Vampire at Ruth’s side. “Send the footage to Phantom’s cell.”

One nod from the Vampire and he was digging into his pocket and yanking out his own phone.

“Damn right I’ll be viewing them.” Phantom inhaled hard as a slash of agony cut through his gaze. “Because if they’re telling the truth, E, then we have a real problem.”

It was the first time I’d seen the Vampires up close. The leader of this clan was firm and strong. Danger clung to him in the way he moved, the way he watched, the way he existed. I shifted my gaze to the one beside him. He had protector written all over him. Barrel-chested, his suit jacket concealed the two pistols in his shoulder holster. He looked at me like I was nothing, and Ruth smiled.

“Then who was the Wolf who attacked us and was the only other Wolf who knew we left that piece of shit alive before he was murdered?” Phantom asked.

“I wish I knew, brother,” Elithien responded. “I really wish I knew.”

“He was the tie.” I shook my head. “The only one we had to getting us back to Crown City. You know what that means, right?”

“That we can’t go back,” Phantom answered bitterly.

We can’t go back. The words hit me like a blow as Harlan’s warning filled me. We can never go back.

“Jesus, this is fucking bullshit.” Arran raked his fingers through his hair. “There has to be a way to find that damn Wolf.”

An icy draft ruffled the sheer curtains and swept across my skin. There was. Twice the Wolf had come for me. I had no doubt

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