The Wolf's Call - Anthony Ryan Page 0,29

frown whilst Kohn pasted an empty smile on his face. “You have not yet heard the price we are willing to offer, my lord,” he said. “The gift we have already provided is but a small token in comparison, a mere symbol of our king’s intent.”

“I am not governed by your king’s intent,” Vaelin replied. “But by my queen’s, and she has decreed these weapons remain solely in the hands of her own host. I am sure a man of your intellect will be quick to understand her reasoning.”

General Gian let out a sigh, his lips forming a sardonic grin. “Sell a neighbour a dog and he’ll train it to bite you,” he muttered in an accent far more coarse than before. The general, it seemed, was not of noble origins.

“Quite so, good sir,” Vaelin said.

“If the devices cannot be purchased,” Kohn continued, Vaelin detecting a suppressed note of desperation in his voice, “then perhaps the expertise to craft engines of equal effectiveness could. Is your sister here? I should greatly enjoy making her acquaintance.”

“My sister currently resides in Varinshold,” Vaelin told him, voice hardening into a less than courteous tone. “Where she serves as Principal of the Royal College of Arts. I assure you any approach you might make to her will be swiftly refused. She has no desire to ever craft another weapon of any kind.”

Kohn’s smile faltered, a narrowing of his eyes bespeaking the level of insult he had suffered. Nevertheless, he recovered quickly, forming his long-nailed hands into a symmetrical clasp Vaelin recognised as a gesture used in calming meditation. “In that case, my lord, I must request that we be permitted to appeal directly to your queen. If you will allow us to continue to enjoy your hospitality for a few more days, I will compose a formal proposal.”

“As you wish,” Vaelin said. “The queen is currently touring her Volarian dominions so it may be months before you receive a response. I should caution you, however, that I find it highly unlikely she will accede to your request.”

“Nevertheless, as you are bound by your Queen’s Word, I am bound by my king’s.” Kohn bowed again, then paused, a flicker of irritation passing across his lined features as Gian murmured an unfamiliar word. It sounded to Vaelin much like the Chu-Shin word for “whore,” but with a more prolonged inflection.

Does he expect me to procure him a woman? Vaelin wondered as Kohn forced another smile.

“If you will allow me to raise another, hopefully less contentious matter, my lord,” the ambassador said. “The renown of the warriors in your Realm is acclaimed across the world entire, particularly the archers of the southern lands and the horse-folk of the northern plains. Our king is highly desirous of witnessing their skills with his own eyes. If we could be permitted to invite some to return with us to the Venerable Kingdom, it would be greatly appreciated. They will, of course, receive generous compensation.”

First weapons, now mercenaries, Vaelin mused. The Venerable Kingdom is troubled, it seems.

“All subjects of the Realm are free men and women,” he said. “And may go where they wish. However, I should advise you that, whilst you will surely have some success in recruiting archers from Cumbrael, the Eorhil rarely venture from the plains unless in direst need. Still, some of them may be curious to see what manner of horses you breed in your kingdom. A moment, if you will, good sirs.”

He beckoned Orven closer, speaking in Eorhil. “They want to recruit mercenaries from amongst your wife’s people.”

“Then they’ll be wasting their time,” Orven replied with a bemused frown.

“I know, but I’m keen to find out why and I doubt I’ll get a straight answer from the old man. The warrior, however . . .”

Orven gave a nod of understanding. “But I don’t speak his tongue, my lord.”

“A ruse. I suspect he speaks Realm Tongue just as well as the old man does. Perhaps he’ll demonstrate how well after you share some wine at the campfire.”

Vaelin turned to the ambassadors, switching back to Chu-Shin. “Whilst Ambassador Kohn composes his missive to the queen, perhaps General Gian would like to journey forth to meet with the Eorhil. Lord Commander Orven here will make the introductions. He knows them very well.”

The general exchanged a brief glance with Kohn before bowing and offering a gruff agreement. There were more effusions of gratitude from Ambassador Kohn, accompanied by more bowing, before the embassy finally made its exit and Vaelin Copyright 2016 - 2024