Wolf's Bane - Auryn Hadley Page 0,7

to thirty than twenty, if I had to guess, and in very good shape. Still too young for me, but old enough that I wouldn't feel bad about looking. I hadn't missed the weight set taking up most of the garage. The big question was how often they came over to work out. If this was a regular thing, then Ashley had just given me the best lot in the estate. My home was within walking distance of work and came with a killer view.

Thinking about my best-friend-turned-boss, I fished my phone out of my purse and sent Ashley a text.

Elena: So we made it.

Her reply came back almost instantly.

Ashley: You're there? Perfect! I'm coming over. Have housewarming gifts.

Typical Ashley. We'd met initially through my previous job, and again when we ended up in the same yoga class a few months later. Eventually, some of us started getting together for smoothies after our sessions, and the two of us had gravitated to each other. Kindred souls, she'd called it. I'd known her for a couple of years now, and yet it felt like she'd been a part of my life forever. Soul mates of the best friend variety.

And now, I had her to thank for all of this. I had never expected her to give me a job. That was so far above and beyond that the least I could do was make sure she didn't regret it. The idea of working with her every day was pretty much heaven. And this? The house, the job, and the pay that came with it? This was my ticket to a fresh start. A new life. One where I could finally get it right.

I was barely inside before I heard a car pull up out front. Turning in place, I opened the door again in time to see Ashley unfolding herself from behind the wheel of her adorable MG Midget. The car was tiny, but perfect for her. It was exactly the kind of thing one would expect an elegant blonde bombshell to drive. Then she leaned over to grab the gifts she'd promised.

"I come bearing the necessities of life," she called across the lawn. "Wine for you and chocolate for Gabby."

I grinned and opened the door a little wider, inviting her and her armload of presents inside. "And a list of utilities, right?"

"Already emailed those to you," she assured me as she headed straight for the kitchen. "Gabby! I have chocolate!"

"On the phone," Gabby yelled back from upstairs.

I just sighed. "She's moping."

"Do you really blame her?" Ashley asked. "Everything she knew just vanished. I remember when my parents split up, and I was in college. But how are you handling all of this?"

I lifted my hands and let them flop back to my sides. "One step at a time. Ask me again after I've managed to get everything unpacked and sorted out, because that's when it'll feel real."

"Promise, and you have all weekend to worry about that before your first day." Then she pointed at the wine she'd brought over. "And I won't tell if you decide to drink that straight from the bottle. Elena, you should be proud of yourself. You're starting a whole new chapter in your life. One where you get to make your own rules and finally be happy."

I grabbed the bottle and started peeling off the protective seal to reach the cork. "Fingers crossed, because I'd kind of like to get a little of that fairy-tale perfection before I'm too old to enjoy it."

"You and me both," she agreed, passing over a corkscrew she'd pulled from her purse. "And you're going to share that, right?"

"Hell yeah, I am.


When I saw Ashley pull up at the neighbor's house, I was fuming. What was she thinking, bringing these people into our neighborhood? Did she have any idea how dangerous this was? Never mind the way that human girl had walked over like we were all going to be the best of friends.

No, this had to be dealt with, and soon. I tried to work out a little more, but I couldn't get over the rage building inside me. The full moon tonight explained part of that, but not all. Mostly, it was just my sister disrespecting my authority. I loved Ashley to death, but if she wanted to lead this pack, then she shouldn't have stepped aside.

Eventually, I gave up. A cold shower helped cool my temper, but not nearly enough. Finally, my sister's car started up,

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