WolfeStrike (De Wolfe Pack Generations #2) - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,96

but Isabella… she turned against them and I am certain they did not take kindly to that.”

Tor squeezed her hand. “Bella has her father and brother here,” he said. “They wouldn’t dare make a move against her with those two about. But you are sweet to worry about her.”

“She is a sweet lass,” she said. “I like her very much. I have apologized to her for what my brother did… I cannot imagine him jilting a lady as sweet as Isabella.”

“Truthfully, she does not seem all that torn up about it,” he said. “We all thought she was quite devastated when your brother left her, but she does not seem that way at all.”

They were heading from the chamber and Isalyn tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. They had started off as acquaintances, perhaps became fast friends, and now their relationship was progressing naturally, if not quickly. Isalyn had never felt anything more natural or normal than she did when her arm was in his.

As if they had always belonged together.

“Isabella has a good head on her shoulders,” Isalyn said. “She is young, but she has a maturity beyond her years. She told me that she was devastated when Steffan left her but that her grandmother told her that he wasn’t worth weeping over. Any honorable man worth his weight would not have left her at all.”

Tor took her out into the corridor, heading for the open entry door. “That would be my grandmother, Jordan,” he said. “We all call her Matha, meaning ‘mother’ in Gaelic. She is our rock. All of these big, powerful sons and grandsons, and she is our foundation. A stronger, wiser woman you will never meet.”

“Another de Wolfe family member I am looking forward to meeting.”

“I am anxious to introduce you,” he said. “But until that time, I believe your father expects us to celebrate with him. I had better tell my Uncle Blayth personally of our betrothal. He would not forgive me if he heard it from someone else.”

She looked at him, her eyes glimmering. “You are a considerate soul,” she said. “I do believe I like that about you.”

He glanced at her, that sweet little face, that glorious blonde hair. He felt like a giddy squire. “I hope there are other things you like about me,” he said softly.

She looked away, coyly. “I do, too,” she said. “I surely intend to find out.”

She could hear him laughing as they made their way out into the sunshine.


They were in the room.

Joah had fallen asleep, but he was awoken to the sounds of someone moving around in his chamber. He could hear voices, women speaking softly, and he peeped an eye open to see what was going on.

Two women were moving around in the chamber, both of them with bright red hair and pale skin. One was taller and larger than the other, and she seemed to be the one giving the orders because she would point and whisper and the smaller one would do her bidding.

Joah suspected that these were the two women he had heard when he had first been brought into this chamber. The ones that spoke of Tor de Wolfe and Steffan’s sister. He thought perhaps to open his eyes and show them that he was awake but, on second thought, perhaps it was better if he didn’t. They had been forthcoming with a great deal of information the last time he feigned unconsciousness, so he was curious to know just how much more he could learn if he continued to play a witless lump.

So, he lay there and pretended to be unconscious as they moved around the room. Someone put another blanket on him and someone else begin washing his face and arms with cool water, which felt very nice. They didn’t seem to be as talkative this time around, so Joah decided to show them that he was awake. He wasn’t learning anything this way.

He twitched and one of the women gasped. He twitched again and both of them wondered aloud if he was finally awakening. One of them leaned in and spoke softly to him, asking him if he could hear them.

Slowly, he opened his eyes.

“Where… where am I?” he asked weakly.

“You are at Blackpool Castle,” the larger woman said. “What is your name?”

Joah closed his eyes, feigning weakness. “My name is Joah,” he muttered, seeing no issue in giving them his real

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