WolfeStrike (De Wolfe Pack Generations #2) - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,63

considering what Steffan had done, Isalyn couldn’t argue with the logic.

The de Featherstone siblings had been a trial to Tor from the start.

Loaded with gifts and good intentions, the journey from Featherstone to Blackpool had mercifully taken less than four hours. They had departed at dawn when the land had been covered with a mist, as it usually was this time of year. It was cold and dank and damp, but the party from Featherstone had traveled swiftly northward on a road that was still surprisingly good, arriving at Blackpool by midmorning.

Emerging from the fog and rising above the misty fields like a mythical fortress, Blackpool came into focus just as the mist was burning off. In truth, Isalyn was shocked by the size and breadth of Blackpool Castle. Somehow in her mind, she had imagined it to be just another simple garrison when, in fact, it was one of the bigger border castles she had ever seen. She had been to Berwick many years ago and she had also seen Carlisle Castle, many times, and both of those castles were quite large. Blackpool Castle was on that grand scale, a vast and highly protected place.

In fact, it was quite a sight to see it dominating the landscape once the mist had cleared. The sun’s warming rays dried out the muddy roads fairly quickly, and it was spring, meaning the weather could be unpredictable at best, but the last half-hour of their journey to Blackpool had been in mild and pleasant weather.

As they drew closer, Isalyn found herself studying the fortress closely. Blackpool had two sets of walls from what she could see, enormous walls that stretched skyward. Whereas most concentric castles usually had the walls closer together, Blackpool’s walls seemed to be spread out in quite a distance, creating a giant outer bailey between them. Their party reached an ancient gatehouse on the outer wall first. Once they announced themselves and why they had come, they were admitted into the vast outer bailey.

They continued on towards the second set of walls and the second gatehouse, which were surrounded by a moat, passing the gaggles of geese that Tor had once talked about. The second gatehouse was larger, and Fraser announced them again. But this time, they had to wait quite some time before they were admitted through this gatehouse. As they waited, the geese began to move in their direction and Isalyn wondered if they were about to be attacked. But the noise from the big, iron double portcullises lifting chased the geese back towards the moat and the party passed through the gatehouse, emerging into the large inner bailey.

They were met in the yard by a knight who was young and handsome. He was also quite big and quite muscular, and Isalyn was starting to wonder if that just wasn’t how the men up north were bred. As big as Tor was, this knight was also quite large, so she was starting to think that perhaps that great size was simply a prerequisite to being a de Wolfe knight.

The knight was very polite, however, and well spoken. He called forth servants to help with the animals and the wagon before moving to Fraser and introducing himself.

“I am Christian Hage,” he said. “Tor told me to expect guests from Featherstone, although I did not think it would be so soon. Welcome to Blackpool.”

Fraser dismounted his expensive warmblood. “I am Fraser le Kerque,” he said, turning to Gilbert as the man dismounted and came around his horse. “This is Gilbert de Featherstone, Lord de Featherstone.”

Christian dipped his head politely. “My lord,” he said. “Welcome to Blackpool. We are honored by your visit.”

Gilbert was dressed in his finest – fine silks, a heavy robe with a fur lining, and gilded chains around his neck and waist. A heavy silk purse hung from his belt. He was looking around Blackpool as if inspecting it, as impressed by the sight as his daughter was. Behind him, a soldier helped Isalyn from her palfrey and she came to stand silently next to Fraser. When he caught a glimpse of her from the corners of his eyes, he indicated her.

“This is Lord de Featherstone’s daughter, Lady Isalyn.”

Isalyn smiled politely for the handsome, young knight. “My lord.”

Christian bobbed his head in greeting. “My lady,” he said. “Tor has been told of your arrival. In fact, I…”

He was cut off when Gilbert and Isalyn caught sight of something behind him. He turned in time to see Tor

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