WolfeStrike (De Wolfe Pack Generations #2) - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,30

to hold in the pain that was threatening to explode.

“Oh, God,” he muttered. “Oh, God, oh… God. Tell me my son did not dishonor himself this way.”

Tor couldn’t help but feel some pity for the man, who was obviously shaken. “I wish I could, my lord,” he said. “I have many witnesses who can attest otherwise.”

Gilbert put a hand over his face, sobbing softly once or twice before drawing in a deep breath, trying to compose himself.

“That is not necessary,” he said hoarsely. “I do not doubt your word. The reputation of the House of de Wolfe is beyond contestation. But I do not understand any of this. I have not seen my son in over a year. It has been a very long time. If you please… can you tell me the story again? I must hear it again. He was betrothed to a de Wolfe lady?”

Tor looked at Nat again to do the explaining. Tor’s seat of Blackpool was on the fringes of the de Wolfe empire property, so he wasn’t always privy to the things that were happening at its heart. Given that Nat served at Northwood Castle, he knew more.

And he’d seen more.

Nat didn’t hesitate to tell him.

“Your son seemed to spend a good deal of time away from Netherghyll Castle,” he said. “My lord, I will tell you what I have heard and what I have seen, and then mayhap you can understand why we were so displeased with your son. Rumor had it that there was a woman in Berwick that had Steffan’s attention, so he was a frequent visitor to the city. That is where he saw my niece, Isabella, and he made the decision to pursue her. He began showing up at Castle Questing, seat of the de Wolfe empire, asking to speak to Isabella. Her father, who is my uncle also, was unimpressed with your son and his reputation, but Isabella was quite fond of him. The more he denied your son, the more Isabella wanted to see him. You can imagine how these things go, my lord. I have three daughters myself. When they want something, it is difficult for a father not to comply.”

Gilbert nodded, wiping at his eyes. “I understand,” he said quietly. “Please continue.”

“Isabella was enamored with him,” Nat said. “Servants saw them in the garden in a compromised position and that made its way back to her father. The fact that they were betrothed was the only thing that kept her father from killing your son. You do realize that Blayth de Wolfe is one of the most fearsome warriors in the north, do you not?”

Gilbert nodded weakly. He was quite pale, the shock of his son’s death sinking deep now. “I know of him,” he said. “He did not kill my son, yet my son is dead.”

“That is because he ran away on the day of the wedding,” Nat said. “He was a coward, my lord. As Tor told you, we tracked him to Newcastle. When he was confronted, instead of admitting his wrongs, he fought with us. He was killed when he tried to kill a young squire.”

Gilbert looked at him in disbelief. “A squire?”

“Aye, my lord.”

“Not even a knight?”

“Nay, my lord.”

Gilbert grunted, closing his eyes to the shame if it all. At this point, wine and food was being brought forth and Gilbert grabbed at the nearest pitcher, pouring himself an overflowing cup and drinking nearly the entire contents. Tor took only the drink while Nat took food as well, as he hadn’t been treated to a fine meal earlier in the day. Tor had been so taken with Isalyn during their meal together, he had totally forgotten his promise of food for Nat. As they watched de Featherstone reconcile himself to his son’s cowardly death, a heavily armed knight entered the hall.

Both Tor and Nat stopped what they were doing, watching the incoming knight with suspicion. That was normal when heavily armed men faced one another, and were strangers to each other, but Gilbert lifted a hand.

“Be at ease,” he told Tor and Nat. “This is Fraser le Kerque, a knight who serves me. He is my only knight, but he commands the small army of men who protect me and my goods. Fraser, this is Sir Tor de Wolfe and Sir Nat Hage.”

Fraser was just nearing the table as Gilbert made the introductions. He was a big man, handsome, with a square jaw, black hair, and pale blue eyes. He looked

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