WolfeStrike (De Wolfe Pack Generations #2) - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,124

have them. It is not something they can plan.”

Fraser cocked an eyebrow. “Then we had better hurry.”

They did. A little more than an hour later, the party from Kelso entered the massive bailey of Castle Questing, turning their horses over to the stable servants as they headed into the equally enormous keep.

Isalyn was half-asleep as she walked in, staggering to the point where Tor picked her up, cradling her so she wouldn’t fall. There was a steady hum of chatter going on as men went about removing helms and gear. Tor was about to take Isalyn up to their chamber to check on their two young sons when he was blocked by his grandmother descending the stairs.

Jordan Scott de Wolfe was wrapped up in the tattered shawl she always wore, the one her husband swore she would be buried with. She was in her eighth decade but she moved, and looked, like a much younger woman. The shining star of the entire de Wolfe family, she looked at Isalyn with concern when she saw that Tor was carrying her.

“Ish?” she said, using her family nickname. “What’s the matter with ye, lass? Are ye ill?”

Isalyn smiled weakly, pushing herself out of Tor’s arms. “Nay,” she said. “I’m simply weary. Tor was being kind by carrying me. How are my lads?”

Jordan smiled. “Finally in bed,” she said. “They remind me of Scott and Troy at that age. I couldna get them tae sleep no matter how hard I tried. I had tae sing for yer lads for an hour tae put them tae sleep and ye know I dunna sing very well.”

Isalyn leaned in and kissed the old woman on the cheek. “Thank you, Matha,” she said. “You know they love to hear you sing the fairy song.”

Jordan grunted. “My throat is raw,” she said, watching Isalyn giggle as she moved past her, heading up the stairs to check on her sons. But Jordan stopped her. “Wait, Ish. Where’s Fraser?”

He was towards the rear of the group, removing his gloves, but when he heard his name, his head shot up.

“I am here, Lady de Wolfe,” he said.

Jordan beckoned him forward before pointing up the stairs. “Go tae my granddaughter,” she said. “She has a little surprise for ye.”

Fraser went pale. “She… she does?”

Jordan’s old eyes twinkled. “Get,” she said. “Dunna keep her waiting.”

Fraser bolted. They could hear him running up the stairs, including Isalyn, who looked at Tor’s grandmother with wide eyes.

“Did she have her babe?” she asked anxiously.

Jordan nodded. Then, she started to laugh. “I was trying tae get yer two tadpoles tae sleep when I heard Bella calling for me,” she said. “I practically had tae tie Tristan down. I promised him that he’d be able tae ride his pony tomorrow if he went tae sleep and that was the only way I could leave him. Remember that, Tor. Tristan rides his pony tomorrow.”

As Tor nodded, Isalyn put her hands on Jordan’s arm. “But Bella? Is she well? Is the babe well?”

Jordan patted her hands. “Very well,” she said. “By the time I went intae the chamber, she was already pushing the first baby out. Her mother and I barely had time tae help her. The lass did it almost all by herself.”

Isalyn’s eyebrows lifted. “First baby?”

Jordan nodded. “She had two,” she said, listening to the men mutter their approval. “Two little lads who scream like banshees.”

Isalyn squealed with delight. Kissing Jordan on the cheek again, she rushed up the stairs, listening to her husband call after her and telling her to wait a moment. But Isalyn didn’t want to wait; she wanted to see Isabella’s babies. For as close as they had become, Isalyn truly felt as if Isabella were her sister.

For all they had been through together, they were in spirit if not by blood.

It was a joyful night at Castle Questing as two new souls were brought into the world. Isalyn stood in the doorway of Isabella and Fraser’s chamber, becoming misty-eyed as ever-stoic Fraser had tears streaming down his face at the sight of two healthy boys.

As Tor came to stand behind his wife, he put his arm around her as he admired Fraser and Isabella’s boys from afar. Isalyn gazed up at her handsome husband, feeling the love from him more than she ever had. Love was in the air tonight, for them all, with the births of William and Kieran le Kerque, named after both of Isabella’s grandfathers.

Four years ago when Isalyn had taken

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