WolfeStrike (De Wolfe Pack Generations #2) - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,121

did not tell him. Steffan may have been a terrible son, but he was Gilbert’s only son. He knows that the man was a coward and a scoundrel. I do not want to pile on and tell him even more than that.”

It was a compassionate decision on Blayth’s part. Tor faced forward, watching the road ahead, calculating that they would make it home just before dawn. Just in time for him to climb into bed with Isalyn and make love to her while the sun rose.

His wife.

He never thought he could be so happy again. But he hadn’t reached this point without help.

He’d had a lot of it.

“I want to thank you all for everything you have done,” he said after a moment. “Uncle Blayth, my thanks to you for your wisdom and advice. Ronan, you are my younger cousin, but you are more like a brother to me. Christian, you are my cousin and my second in command, but you are the best friend a man could have. And Fraser… you have quickly integrated yourself into the House of de Wolfe. I have a feeling you and I will be spending many years together, closely, because it has become apparent that Isalyn and Isabella cannot be separated. Isabella very nearly sacrificed her life for Isalyn and I will never forget her bravery. And you… you nearly died trying to protect Isalyn. I will never forget that, either. Not ever.”

Fraser smiled faintly. “My position with Gilbert was a long and lucrative one,” he said. “But now… now I feel that I finally belong somewhere, and to someone. Thank you for accepting my fealty at Blackpool. I will not fail you.”

“I know you won’t,” Tor said. “But we see a good deal of action from the Scots. If you wanted a post that will see action, you got one.” He paused, looking up at the brilliant sky again. “You know, the last time I was riding in a group with my de Wolfe brethren, it was to hunt down Steffan de Featherstone. We were there to right an injustice and tonight… I feel like we’ve done the same thing, only differently. We righted another kind of injustice.”

“True, lad,” Blayth said. “We did, indeed. Did you give Armathwaite the donation you brought?”

Tor nodded. “It is more money than they’ll see in ten years of donations,” he said. “And it is something I do not ever wish to speak of again. I only wish to speak of the future, which includes a wedding next week for Fraser and Isabella. I will get blindingly drunk on Uncle Blayth’s fine wine, dance with the bride, and also with my wife, and enjoy myself immensely.”

Ronan grinned at Fraser, who simply lifted his eyebrows at his future brother-in-law whom he was coming to like a great deal. Riding next to Ronan, Blayth cocked his head thoughtfully.

“Did I ever tell you about Alys and Gerard de Wolfe’s wedding so many years ago?” he said. “Oddly enough, it is one of the few things I remember from the past, although I have no idea why. They were married at The Lyceum, the de Royans castle south of Wolfe’s Lair, and everything was proceeding wonderfully until I was attacked.”

They all turned to look at him. “Attacked by whom?” Tor asked.

“My own mother,” Blayth said, his eyes twinkling at the hazy memory. “All because of a song I sang for the guests.”

Tor started to laugh. “I do not believe it,” he said. “Matha attacked you for singing?”

Blayth nodded. “She was not at your wedding, so I did not sing the special song for her, but she will be at Isabella’s,” he said. “I will teach you the song so we can all sing it to her.”

“A song that makes her attack?” Tor said, dubiously. “I do not think I want to learn that song.”

“Learn it!” Blayth bellowed, watching his nephew laugh. He began to sing it in his beautiful baritone.

“There once was a lady fair,

With silver bells in her hair.

I knew her to have,

A luscious kiss… it drove me mad!

But she denied me… and I was so terribly sad.

Lily, my girl,

Your flower, I will unfurl

With my cock and a bit of good luck!

Your kiss divine,

I’ll make you mine,

And keep you a-bed for a fuck!”

Tor and Fraser refused to learn it, but Ronan and Christian did. When Fraser married Isabella in the great hall of Castle Questing a week later, they happily sang it with Blayth’s urging.

True to form, elderly Jordan de

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