WolfeStrike (De Wolfe Pack Generations #2) - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,12

forcing them to marry.”

Tor cast him a long glance. “Like Uncle Blayth forced Isabella to marry and we are now chasing down her groom?” Before Thomas could answer, Tor suddenly gestured ahead of them. “Look – The Black Bull.”

Distracted from the two leeches who had sunk their teeth into Tor and refused to let go, Thomas could see the two-storied establishment on ahead. Immediately, he went into battle mode.

“We must stash the horses,” he said.

Quickly, he pulled his mount to a halt and slid off. To their right was a closed merchant stall and it had a hitching post in front of it, and they tethered the horses.

Then, they spread out.

The night was dark and the watch torches weren’t giving out much light as they approached The Black Bull, brightly lit from within. They could hear the hum of conversation and the occasional burst of laughter.

Tor looked at the men around and behind him. Thomas was leading the way, an enormous warrior who was in his prime. He was followed by his son, Artus, well-armed and strong, whereas Nat and Alec Hage were moving faster than anyone else, ready to charge into the tavern. Ronan was sticking close to his uncles while the youngest warrior of the group, Alexander, stayed right by Tor’s side. Tor glanced down at his youngest half-brother.

“You let me and your uncles do the initial fighting,” he said. “Your job will be to watch our backs and make sure no one else jumps into the fray. Can you do that?”

Alexander nodded, but it was clear that he was just a little nervous. At seventeen years, he was still a squire, though his training had been very good. He knew how to handle himself in a fight.


“Wait,” Thomas said, abruptly coming to a halt. He turned around, seeking out Alexander. “Alex, come here.”

Alexander broke away from Tor and went to his Uncle Thomas. “Aye?”

“Do you know what Steffan de Featherstone looks like?”

Alexander nodded. “Aye.”

Thomas pulled the young man’s cloak up over his head, partially covering his face. “Go inside,” he said. “It is crowded, so you can blend in with the patrons. I want you to see if Steffan is actually inside. Come back out to report to us.”

Alexander didn’t hesitate. He may have been nervous, but he knew how to follow an order. With his cloak mostly over his face at that point, he pushed into the packed tavern as the de Wolfe and Hage knights fell back into the shadows of the street to wait.

Alexander was out in less than a minute.

Concerned, Thomas pulled him into an alley next to the tavern as the others came out of their hiding spots to join them.

“What is wrong?” Thomas hissed. “Is he inside?”

Alexander unwrapped the cloak from his face. “Aye,” he said. “He is sitting at a table with five other heavily armed knights. De Royans men, I believe.”

Thomas sighed heavily and looked at Alec. Not only was Alec Isabella’s uncle and head of the Hage family, but he was also a good deal older than Thomas and the captain of the guard at Berwick Castle. He had an enormous amount of power at his disposal, but this news wasn’t good news.

Alec grunted unhappily.

“Damn,” he muttered. “De Royans is an ally. I do not want to engage in a battle with several de Royans knights.”

Tor spoke up. “You were prepared to engage with at least one.”

He was pointing out the obvious, which annoyed Alec. “That was before we knew he brought in reinforcements,” he said. “I will not go to battle with several allied knights.”

“They will defend de Featherstone. If you want the man, you will not have a choice.”

Alec knew that. He looked at Thomas. “Well?” he said. “This will affect you more than it will affect me if we damage our relationship with de Royans. What have you to say?”

Thomas cocked a dark eyebrow. “The de Wolfe family honor is at stake,” he said. “I value that over the relationship with de Royans. Steffan broke a vow of honor to our niece. I will not let that go unanswered.”

Alec sighed. “When you put it that way, I agree. Forgive me for valuing an alliance over our family honor.”

Thomas held up a hand. “There is no need to apologize,” he said. “You were looking at it from the correct point of view. But I am looking at it from the point of family honor.”

“He compromised Isabella,” Ronan said. “If you do not go in there, I

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