The Wolf Prince - By Karen Whiddon Page 0,97

thrashing horse. An arrow protruded ominously from the animal’s neck.

Unfortunately, his efforts only succeeded in terrifying the wounded animal, which flayed about in a futile effort to climb to its feet.

“Stand back.” Attempting to grab Eric’s arm, Ruben slipped in the blood and staggered, just as the other man swung at him.

Eric glared at Ruben with murder in his eyes and resumed his efforts to free Tatiana. The horse’s stomach heaved as he struggled. Still Eric tried to lift the beast, all the while attempting to dodge flailing hooves.

Meanwhile, Tatiana lay ominously still.

“Hold.” The note of command rang unmistakable in Ruben’s voice.

An instant later, Willow seconded his order. “Move away from the horse.”

About to argue, Eric saw something in her face that had him jumping back. “You! How can you help? You have no magic,” he spat the words. “Everyone knows that. And now you’re going to let your sister die in the dirt just for spite.”

She ignored him, running her hands down the horse’s flank. Instantly, the animal went still. When she finally raised her head to look at Ruben, tears ran down her cheeks.

“My sister is grievously wounded and the horse has been shot,” she said. “First, we need to move him off Tatiana. The arrow nicked his artery, so I can’t help him. But I can ease his passage, very quickly, or at least try so he won’t suffer, before I help you and Eric tend to my sister.”

Shot. Glancing around them and realizing they were completely exposed, Ruben knew they’d have to find the shooter.

“Yes,” Willow agreed, once again apparently reading his thoughts. “But first, we must free Tatiana. Then you can find the shooter.”

Intuition clamoring a warning, nonetheless Ruben nodded. “What would you have me do?”

“You and Eric,” she said, including the other man in her gesture. “Each grab a pair of legs. Ruben, you take the front and Eric the back. I’ve sedated the horse so he will remain still, as long as you are gentle. Slide him this way, and we’ll free Tatiana.”

Though Ruben seriously doubted he could move even half of a one-ton horse, he was willing to give it a try.

“Ready?” Willow asked, crossing around to the other side to push while they pulled. She stood as near to Tatiana’s prone form as she could. “One, two, three, pull!”

Ruben pulled. Next to him, Eric did the same, grunting loudly while Willow pushed. To his disbelief, they were able to slide the massive animal off Tatiana.

Willow went to assist her, to see if she could somehow use what little magic she had to help, but the instant her fingers touched her sister’s skin, Tatiana began screaming.

When Willow took her hand away, her sister quieted.

“See?” Eric shot her a venomous look. “She doesn’t want your help.”

“Tend to her,” Willow ordered, dropping to her knees next to the violently shaking horse. She began crooning low, nonsensical words that seemed to calm the beast. Ruben turned away, glancing from Tatiana to the woods.

“I don’t think you should move her,” he told Eric. Ignoring him, the other man slid one arm under her head and the other under her back, lifting her. He carried her over toward the wagon while Ruben followed behind.

“If I had my magic, I could heal her,” Eric said bitterly.

“Look, I understand.” Ruben clapped a hand on the other man’s shoulder and tried to keep an eye on the trees. “I’m not sure how or why, but it would appear someone has a powerful bow and is trying to take us out. We need to find this person before anyone else gets hurt.”

Without looking up from Tatiana, Eric nodded.

Inside his makeshift cell, Chad began to laugh. “Leave her, you fool. Do what I told you to do.”

Eric swung his golden head to glare at his brother. “Hurting her wasn’t part of the plan.”

“Plan?” Ruben looked from one to the other. As he did, Chad brandished a wicked-looking crossbow.

Ruben dove behind the wagon just as Chad sent an arrow flying. “Take cover,” he shouted to Willow, as she raised her head from her work on the horse. In plain view, with her back to Chad, she’d make an easy target.

“I’ll kill her unless you free me,” Chad said, the venom in his voice telling Ruben he meant it.

Seeing the danger, Willow froze.

“Take cover,” Ruben shouted, his heart in his throat.

“I can’t leave the horse right now,” she shouted. “If I do, he’ll die in great pain.”

“If you don’t, he’ll kill you,” Eric warned Copyright 2016 - 2024