The Wolf Prince - By Karen Whiddon Page 0,63

throne room, but he didn’t care. The less people, the less likelihood that he’d be stopped before he made it out.

Of course the later the hour grew, the more likely it appeared he’d have to leave in the morning.

Well into his search for Chad, he finally located the other prince, alone with Willow in a secluded arbor. Seated side by side on a stone bench, surrounded by roses, and their heads together, they looked up in unison as he approached.

A brief uneasiness settled in his stomach as he wondered what they’d been discussing. The sky had taken on that dusky glow of evening. Too late now to leave. Resigned, he realized he’d have to finish the search of the castle tonight, and attempt to travel as close to dawn as possible.

“A word?” Ruben asked, motioning Chad over. The other man’s patrician expression revealed nothing as he excused himself from Willow and strolled over.

Ruben ignored his inner wolf’s visceral reaction to Chad. Once he had the other prince alone, he spoke quickly, outlining his revised plan.

“Leave Willow?” Chad said, deliberately speaking in his normal voice, which would undoubtedly carry to Willow’s ears. Ruben winced. With the way she straightened, he knew she’d heard what he’d said.

“She tried to tell me she’s staying, but that’s not going to happen,” Chad stated, still pitching his voice so she could hear. Ruben wondered what he was up to. Obviously, Chad had his own agenda. Again, suspicion crawled along his spine. He’d have to watch the other man closely.

Either way, he had no time for theatrics, especially from the last person he’d expected to have them.

“Look, I’m beginning the search in the morning,” Ruben finally said, abandoning all efforts at keeping the conversation private. “Willow’s already said she is staying here. If you want to go with me, meet me outside in front of the gate at dawn. Otherwise, I’m leaving without you.”

He left quickly, not waiting to hear Chad or Willow’s response. He’d do one last check of the castle before he left, then try and get a good night’s rest.

Searching the castle alone, Ruben wondered when the war between his beast and himself had deteriorated to the point where even the wholly human part of him was at war. He’d used to pride himself on trusting his gut and right now, he was deliberately ignoring all of his instincts. He felt confidence in Willow. Could he say the same for Chad and Eric?

Again he questioned whether or not he’d be better off if he went alone. The advantage of having a guide might well be outweighed by the inconvenience of dealing with a prima donna. He pushed the thought away. He had a castle to search.

Once more he visited the throne room, still packed with people. He slipped unnoticed among the crowd, searched faces, but failed to locate his quarry there.

After, he roamed the castle halls, breaking up more than one secret tryst in a deserted hallway. The investigation took longer than he’d expected and the middle of the night had arrived before he made it back to his room. He finally climbed into his bed and fell into a fitful sleep.

When he returned to the rose arbor just before sunrise, he wasn’t surprised to find Willow there, waiting alone. Holding the reins of two sturdy horses, she wore jeans and boots and what appeared to be a down vest. He noted she had already placed her packed bag onto the horse’s saddle.

Contemplating her, his inner disquiet finally settled. Interesting.

“Where’s Chad?” he asked, just to be sure.

She shrugged. “I have no idea.” She wouldn’t meet his gaze, making him wonder if she’d done something to delay the other man.

Then she raised her head and their gazes locked. Again feeling that insistent tug of attraction, Ruben stared down at her, his heart pounding. He said the first thing that came to mind. “I thought you weren’t going to come with me.”

Finally, she dropped her gaze and he found he could breathe again.

“I changed my mind,” she said, smiling slightly. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

“What do you mean?” he started to ask, about to make it clear to her that his plans did not include her sister and fiancé. But before he could, Chad and Eric strolled into the clearing, accompanied by four packhorses, all loaded to capacity. Behind them, tripped Tatiana, all decked out in her brightest, most sparkly gown. Though she looked gorgeous, she also shone like a beacon, visible from Copyright 2016 - 2024