The Wolf Prince - By Karen Whiddon Page 0,62

sit.” She indicated one of the chairs.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, remaining standing and sounding impatient. “Not only do I need to begin my search of the castle, but I’ve got to go pack. Though I said morning, I’d really like to leave before nightfall.”

“What’s wrong?” she asked, stunned that he didn’t see. “First off, it’s going to take you more than a few hours to search the castle.”

“Not really. Most of your people have attended every single audience with your parents. I’ve been looking through them all and have seen no one who resembles the man I saw following you.”

“Even so.” She took a deep breath. “Once we leave the castle, we have to take Chad and Tatiana with us. That’s what’s wrong. Do you have any idea how awful this is going to be? My sister is...” Words failed her.

Rather than agreeing with her, he glared at her. The cold set of his handsome features made him look aristocratic and unapproachable. “I fail to see how having them help out will be any worse than simply you and I. I need Chad.”


“Manpower,” he answered shortly. “And magic. Though I don’t know this Eric, I’m glad to have him, too.”

Magic. The instant he had said the word—in truth—she realized he was right. He did need Chad and Eric and Tatiana more than he needed her. She had absolutely no magic. They did.

Before she could tell him that he was right, he grimaced. “If I have to worry about protecting you women, I’ll need all the help I can get. At least this way, you can entertain your sister and vice versa.”

She was unable to believe what she’d just heard and gaped at him for a moment. “Me? Entertain Tatiana?” She snorted, beyond caring if she sounded ladylike or not. “That’s not going to happen. I’d rather ride into a hive of angry bees.”

Surprise registered on his face before he thought to school his expression back to completely emotionless. That’s when she realized the truth. Ruben was trying awfully hard to stay uninvolved.

Proving it, he shrugged carelessly. “Yeah, but that’s life. If I had my choice, I’d prefer to do this alone.”

Even though she understood his reasoning, his words hurt, to a point. She faced him, and a tiny flash of anger blossomed. “You would? Well, you know what? Good luck with Chad and my sister. I’m going to wash my hands of both you and your expedition.”

With that, she walked away, leaving him to his fate.

Chapter 13

The instant he so callously dismissed Willow, Ruben realized he’d made a mistake. He saw how his cold words had wounded her and wished he could call them back.

Why had he hurt her? The bigger question was how? Had it been because of the kiss they’d shared? Even so, she barely knew him. Why did she care what he thought?

Watching her as she strode away, her back ramrod straight, he shook his head. Though he got an uneasy feeling around the other man, the truth of the matter was he felt Chad would be a much bigger help than Willow or her older sister. In fact, he planned to grab Chad and make arrangements to leave the castle post haste, without Tatiana. Or Willow, for that matter.

Though his decision sat like a rock in his gut, he’d stick by it. Thus completely sure of his fate, he did nothing to stop Willow as she stormed away.

Oddly enough, he missed her. Which was, of course, ridiculous.

An hour later, packed and ready, he went out in search of Chad. Despite petitioning the king to accompany him, the EastWard prince seemed to have disappeared. Ruben chanced upon Tatiana and Eric, who were engaged in a vigorous debate over the merits of their little adventure, as Eric put it. Apparently Eric wanted to travel with his full retinue while Tatiana wanted to rough it.

Would wonders never cease? Ruben would have expected the opposite. They were so involved in their bickering that neither one noticed him.

Wisely, he backed away, taking care to remain unnoticed. He realized perhaps he’d been a bit hasty in his thinking of who would make good traveling companions. If he could only find Chad, they might have a chance of conducting a quick but thorough search of the castle and still getting away without Eric and Tatiana.

But Chad had vanished. In fact, the large glittering castle appeared surprisingly empty. Ruben didn’t know if everyone was still in the dining hall or had gone to the Copyright 2016 - 2024