The Wolf Prince - By Karen Whiddon Page 0,61

too? Was his sudden desire to assist Ruben based in a fear that he’d lose her?

Somehow she doubted that. The one thing she sensed Chad had in abundance was confidence.

“I’d be happy to accept all the assistance you are willing to offer,” Ruben said.

The king shook his head. “I have asked him to keep an eye on you. You are an outsider in our land and I know your father would want us to make sure you stay safe.”

From the back of the room, someone made a sound. Everyone turned, only to see Tatiana striding up the red carpet as though on a mission.

As Willow watched Tatiana storm to the front of the room, she wondered what else could go wrong.

When she reached the front of the room, Tatiana stopped a respectful distance from the dais. “I request permission to go, too,” she declared.

Narrow eyed, the queen tilted her head. “What nonsense is this? You have too much to do planning your wedding to indulge in such foolishness.”

Since her sister was not used to being denied anything, Willow braced herself for the fireworks.

“Mother, the wedding is not for another year,” Tatiana pleaded. “Allow me one final adventure before I settle down to a life of married bliss.”

Willow began chewing her thumbnail before she realized and forced her hand back down. The old habit, a relic from childhood, had been expressly forbidden by her mother.

Tatiana and the queen locked gazes. Willow couldn’t believe it. Shadows help her, but her parents appeared to be seriously considering Tatiana’s request.

No way in Darkness. If Queen Millicent allowed Tatiana to go, then Ruben would never find the killer. Her sister would prove not only distracting, but a major inconvenience. Out among her own people Tatiana would expect to be treated with all the status a visiting member of royalty should receive.

Plus, Tatiana would drive Willow absolutely crazy.

Glancing sideways at Ruben, Willow prayed he’d speak up. He swallowed, opening his mouth, and then Chad interrupted him.

“A manhunt is no place for a woman,” Chad declared.

Willow nearly groaned out loud. Making such a statement in her mother’s presence nearly guaranteed Tatiana would be allowed to attend.

“Not just that,” Chad continued, apparently unaware of the dangerous ground he now tread. “But from what I’ve seen of your lovely daughter, she is used to the finest delicacies and a life of luxury. As she should be. This journey will be arduous and lacking in those very things.”

“I agree,” King Puck began.

“I do not.” Standing, Queen Millicent placed her hands on her hips and glared, first at her husband, then Chad and finally Ruben. “I feel we should let her go. This will be a character-building exercise for our precious daughter.”

A character-building exercise? What?

A hush fell over the room while the king deliberated. Willow knew how much they valued her sister, so she doubted they’d give in to Tatiana’s request. Would they?

Queen Millicent shot her husband a glowering look and Willow’s heart sank. She knew what that meant. The king had better give in or his wife would spend the next several weeks making sure his life was a living hell.

Yet why would the queen risk her precious first born? Unless...she had ulterior motives. Did she have some sort of plan?

“Tatiana may go,” the king declared.

The queen flashed a brilliant smile. “I agree. As long as Prince Eric goes, as well.”

Just like that, Tatiana’s triumphant grin faded as she realized her mother had something up her sleeve.

“Eric?” she echoed, sounding dazed. “I’m sure he—”

“Would welcome the opportunity to go on such a heroic quest,” Chad put in smoothly. “I feel quite certain that I can speak for my brother here. He will be delighted to accompany Prince Ruben.”

Obviously Queen Millicent had noted Tatiana’s apparent reluctance to be around her fiancé. She’d made sure they’d spend time together, increasing the odds of cementing the deal.

And so it was accomplished. Nothing was mentioned about Willow, but then nothing had to be. Plainly, no one cared whether or not she tagged along with the others. Dejected, she nonetheless straightened her shoulders and hurried out of the throne room, right behind Ruben.

“Ruben, wait. We need to talk,” she said, pitching her voice low so that it wouldn’t carry. She glanced around, making sure there were no eavesdroppers. “Quickly.”

Ruben appeared dazed and waited until she caught him. She grabbed his sleeve, tugging him along after her to a small alcove filled with two overstuffed golden chairs and an enormous arrangement of yellow and orange flowers.

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