The Wolf Prince - By Karen Whiddon Page 0,58

her sister. Like the rest of them, she was playing her own little game.

Of the two sisters, he had a feeling she was the most like him.

“Nothing’s wrong,” Tatiana snapped. Then, apparently realizing the crushed look on Willow’s expressive face didn’t reflect well on her people skills, Tatiana reached out and awkwardly patted Willow’s shoulder.

“Sorry. I’m a bit shook up, that’s all. I’m all right, really.”

Willow looked doubtful. “Are you sure?”

“I’m positive. Now run on off and have your lunch. Have fun then, you two!” Tatiana said, the gaiety in her voice ringing utterly false with the malice shimmering in her violet eyes.

Chad flashed an equally fake smile. “We will. Say hello to my brother for me, will you?”

“Of course.” Grumbling something else under her breath, Tatiana moved away.

“Well done,” Willow said quietly. “You are aware of what she was angling for, aren’t you?”

“Of course,” he answered smoothly. “She is very competitive with you for men’s attention, is she not?”

Willow swallowed hard. When she spoke, he noticed that she didn’t answer the question. “Most men would have taken the time to enjoy my sister’s ample charms.”

Giving her a tender smile, he put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. “Most men haven’t already found the woman they want.”

Then, as she blushed delicately, he went in for the coup de grace. He kissed her lightly on the side of her cheek. A gentleman’s kiss, but one that promised much, much more.

“Chad,” she turned to face him. “I’m not sure I—”

“Ahem.” Behind them, someone cleared a masculine throat.

Willow stiffened, moving away from Chad so quickly he wondered if he’d caught fire or something. Then, as he saw who had intruded, he had to force himself to relax. He’d worked his glamour to ensure the human wouldn’t recognize him. He’d also taken pains to dress differently than he had earlier.

This was the best he could work out without wearing a mask, which would be way too obvious. The moment of truth had come. Would the human recognize him? If so, he prepared himself to deal with the consequences.

“Ruben!” Willow said, her blush deepening as she stepped away from Chad. “You haven’t met Prince Chad. Chad, this is Prince Ruben of Teslinko.”

Now or never. Turning slowly, Chad kept his expression casually friendly. He held out his hand, all the while holding his breath while he waited to see if a glint of recognition would show in the other man’s face.

To his immense relief, he saw only pleasant politeness and curiosity as they shook.

“Pleased to meet you,” Ruben drawled, glancing from Willow to Chad and back again.

“Yes, indeed,” Chad drawled right back. Victory? Or was, as Chad suspected, Ruben actually toying with him?

But he saw nothing in the human’s rugged face to indicate recognition. And what would be the point of pretending? None, none at all. No, he suspected Ruben would be the sort to have him immediately arrested and brought before the king and queen.

“Where were you two going?” Ruben asked, studying Willow’s flushed face before looking at Chad.

“We were just about to head down for lunch,” Willow said, still sounding breathless. And glad, Chad noted. Definitely glad. “Come with us.”

Ruben considered.

Chad waited for the other man to decline. Surely even one as obtuse as he could tell Chad and Willow wanted to be alone.

Instead, Ruben nodded. “Great. I’m starving. Lead the way.”

The happy smile that blossomed on Willow’s face infuriated Chad. He moved closer to her, placing a proprietary arm across her shoulders.

“Maybe I should have let Tatiana come with us,” he put in, reminding her not-so-subtly that he’d earlier declined her sister’s blatant invitation because he had wanted to spend time alone with her.

At his comment, her blush deepened, though she made no move to tell Ruben not to come. Interesting. Glancing from Ruben to Willow, he filed the information away for later. He couldn’t help but wonder how he might use this to his advantage. But he would, somehow.

“I’m sorry,” Willow finally stammered, low enough that he knew she didn’t want Ruben to hear. “I didn’t think... That is...”

Apparently oblivious to the undercurrents, Ruben kept pace with them, looking straight ahead. Chad guessed the other man was lost in his own thoughts. Briefly, he wondered what those might be.

“Any luck on finding your murderer?” Chad asked, keeping his tone mildly curious.

Ruben’s head came up and his amber eyes narrowed. “Not yet. But we’re still waiting for the king and queen to give us permission to go out among their Copyright 2016 - 2024