The Wolf Prince - By Karen Whiddon Page 0,56

ordered Willow to focus on Eric. He would be easily won over with just the right amount of awe and hero worship. Which Willow would actually owe him, especially if she could get someone as beautiful as Eric to fall in love with a woman who looked like her.

In love. Right. With an effort, Tatiana kept from snorting out loud. As if such a foolish emotion even existed. And if it did, Eric would never fall for someone as homely as Willow. No, that plan was doomed to fail even before implemented. Still, she didn’t actually care what Eric did. As long as it wasn’t with her.

Again she eyed Chad. Though he’d used a spell to dull his looks, he was still tall, bright and handsome. And the secretive side to his nature appealed to her more than anything else. Bright men were...boring. Transparent, uncomplicated and, well, Bright.

She finally understood why her mother had taken a lover among the Shadows. She’d do exactly the same, if given a chance. Meanwhile, she’d work with what she had at hand. Chad. To think she hadn’t believed he’d be much of a challenge.

The glint in his bright purple eyes told her he was aware of what she was doing. He played his own little game, using his own set of rules.

Even better. She wanted to rub her hands together with glee. Nothing got her blood boiling like a rousing game of cunning. Of course, among the Brights, it never was any sort of contest. She always won.

Willow glanced at her, flashing an uncertain smile. Tatiana smiled back, letting her sister know not to consider herself the winner here.

Of course, what could she do? She’d need to get rid of her younger sister and coax Chad into her bed chamber. Once she’d succeeded in seducing him, she could make sure his older brother found out, thus effectively ending that engagement and setting herself up for a new one with Chad.

Who, she was willing to bet, would be much easier to manage than that overconfident bag of wind, Eric. Even if Chad wasn’t as beautiful, there was much to be said for the benefit of having a willing adoring slave.

Tatiana hadn’t a doubt she would win. She always did.

Meanwhile, her foolish, gullible sister still crouched in front of her.

“Speak to me,” Willow pleaded, her brown eyes full of concern. “Please, Tati. Are you all right?”

Tati. A nickname from their childhood. Tatiana almost softened and took pity on her younger sister. But just as she was about to sit up, open her eyes all the way and assure Willow she was, in fact, fine, Chad spoke.

“Maybe we should give her some space,” he drawled, cynicism coloring his voice. “You never know what delirious people might do.”

Delirious? She wasn’t...silently seething, she realized Chad knew this and was baiting her. Fine. All part of the game.

Spine stiff, she forced herself to lie still a moment longer. Only by using a major force of will was she able to keep a secretive smile from curving her lips. She loved a good challenge.

“Move.” Using the same bored tone, Chad nudged Willow aside. He bent down, causing Tatiana to flutter her eyelashes oh-so-delicately as she heaved a dramatic sigh, sending her awesome breasts quivering. Of course he noticed them—how could he not?

“Up and at ’em,” Chad said, hauling her up brusquely. She sagged against him, as though her legs wouldn’t support her, taking pleasure in pressing her ample breasts into his hard chest.

She felt the hitch in his breath, the immediate hardening at the front of his body. He might think he didn’t like her, but his arousal said otherwise. Proving what she already knew. There wasn’t a man alive who could resist her.

Satisfied, Tatiana stretched and slowly opened her eyes. She let her gaze travel slowly down his body, coming to rest of the swell of his arousal. Impressive.

“Glad to see me?” she murmured.

Bracing herself as she half expected him to drop her, she was relieved and gratified when he did the exact opposite, snuggling her close as though he couldn’t help himself.

Right in front of Willow. Fantastic.

She sagged even heavier against Chad, taking pains to make sure her woman parts pressed against his rock-solid body.

Good lights! His obvious arousal was getting her going, as well. She let a tiny moan escape her lips.

At the sound, Chad’s eyes narrowed to slits, but his erection continued to swell against her unabated. If they’d been alone, she knew she could have pulled Copyright 2016 - 2024