The Wolf Prince - By Karen Whiddon Page 0,46

reaching a decision without giving it much thought. “Sure.”

“Great.” She took his hand, pulling him toward the door. “Then let’s get out of here before someone comes looking for us.”

Ignoring the shock her sudden touch sent through him, he let her lead the way. When they slipped through the kitchen and out of the castle through a back door, he was surprised. She headed into the wilderness rather than a road into town.

“Where are we going?”

“To get some answers,” she said, smiling. “Since you are part wolf, you should feel at home here. Give it a minute and I think you’ll understand.

They’d only gone a short distance when he heard a sound. The slightest of noises, but enough. Instantly, his wolf came alert. He sniffed the air, catching a scent. Then one more; no, two. More than that. There were others here, wolves. A wild pack, stalking them. Ruben glanced at Willow, who heedlessly continued crashing through the woods, the leaves rustling under her feet as loud as bells. Apparently unaware of the danger, she showed no fear.

He opened his mouth to warn her and heard a growl. His inner wolf responded in kind. He froze, the hair on his body standing on end as though electrified. Ahead, three large wolves stood, blocking their way.

Hellhounds. Always ready for a good fight, the wolf inside him struggled to be free. He knew if it came to a battle, he and Willow stood a much better chance if he let his beast loose. Shifters’ wolves were easily twice as large as these animals, and much more ferocious. The aftermath would be brutal and bloody.

Wanting to avoid this at all costs, he kept his inner wolf at bay. After all, he’d never known a wild wolf to attack unprovoked, unless starving. A quick glance at these animals revealed they were well fed, with the glossy pelts of healthy beasts.

Unless he and Willow had inadvertently wandered onto their territory, the wolves had no reason to attack.

As he struggled with his inner beast, trying to formulate some sort of plan, Willow stepped forward. She moved with confidence and didn’t appear to be afraid. She’d crossed half the distance separating them, dropped to her haunches and held out her arms, crooning in the wordless language one might use to an infant or a new puppy.

Had she lost her freaking mind? Disbelieving, he watched as the wild animals moved toward her, all trace of animosity gone from their demeanor. Like beloved pets, they rubbed up against her, allowing her to place her hands on them. She caressed their fur, still crooning, and their blissful reaction to her touch sent a nameless, wild ache through Ruben. This shook him to his core.

These animals, his Feral cousins, accepted Willow as if she was one of them, a pack-mate.

And she claimed she had no magic?

Looking up, she saw him watching and threw back her head in laughter. The sound, so full of joy and life, sent another kind of ache into his core.

“Come, meet my friends,” she said, still smiling as she held out a hand for him.

But when he took a step toward her, the wild wolves’ playful attitudes vanished. They formed a loose circle around Willow, letting Ruben know by their stiff stance and bared teeth that he wasn’t welcome.

Another glance at Willow showed this puzzled her.

“They protect you,” he said, the comment unnecessary, though he felt he had to say it. She looked from him to the wolves, her brow furrowed in puzzlement.

“I know,” she said, her tone musing rather than worried. “Though our communications are only rudimentary, I can’t seem to make them understand that you are not a threat.”

That said, she rose to her feet in one fluid motion. Moving quickly across the few feet that separated them, when she reached Ruben, she wrapped her arms around him and snuggled close.

Then, once his heart started beating again, she began caressing him all over, much the same way as she had done with the wild wolves.

“I am attempting to show them,” she murmured, her voice a throaty tickle against his ear. “By putting my scent on you, I’m letting them know you’re part of me.”

Despite himself, his body instantly responded. Desire flared, hitting so hard he quivered. Acting of their own accord, his arms came up and he let his hands explore her lush curves.

She gasped, thrusting herself against him as though shocked. This telling movement, however small, had his already aroused body strained nearly to Copyright 2016 - 2024