The Wolf Prince - By Karen Whiddon Page 0,42

thought of his sister, and how often Alisa had complained about what to her had felt like constant scrutiny. Willow probably felt the same. “Surely they are well aware of your activities,” he finished.

“I take pains to make certain they aren’t,” she said darkly. “Especially my mother.”

He almost smiled at this, then remembered the strange, almost vindictive way the queen had behaved a few moments ago. “Is she angry at you?”

“Perpetually.” She grimaced. “Actually, she finds everything I do, including breathing, both humiliating and embarrassing.”

In her tone he detected bewilderment and hurt. For the briefest of instants, he wanted to pull her close, hold her and tell her everything would be all right.

Of course he immediately pushed that thought away. She wouldn’t appreciate his pity. “I want to apologize for involving you in this,” he said, meaning it. “While my intention isn’t to hurt you in any way, I don’t see how I could have done this differently.”

When she began to speak, he held up a hand to indicate he hadn’t finished. “But you should understand, I really have no choice. Murder is not taken lightly among my people—among any people. I must find this killer and bring him to justice.”

Her entire body, which had gone tense, relaxed slightly. “Follow me,” she said, and turned away. He kept pace with her as they marched down one glittering hallway after another. The palace appeared so deserted, he began to wonder if they all were in the throne room holding court with the king and queen.

When they finally ran into a servant, Willow asked the golden coated footman to stop. Ruben stared in disbelief as the man ignored her, continuing on as though she hadn’t spoken.

Stunned, Ruben cleared his throat. “Wait,” he ordered.

Immediately the man froze in his tracks. Slowly, he turned and walked back to them. “Can I help you, sir?” he asked, addressing Ruben as if Willow didn’t exist.

“Your princess called you,” Ruben said, his cold tone letting the man know he’d better listen this time.

Willow stepped forward. “This is Prince Ruben. I need you to make sure a room is made ready for him.”

The footman darted his gaze from her to Ruben and back again. Expression like stone, Ruben dared him to protest. He wasn’t sure what exactly was going on here, but first impressions told him there wasn’t anything friendly about this palace, especially toward Willow.

“Yes, my lady,” the man finally said, the faintest sneer in his voice. Then, directing his gaze back at Ruben, he dipped his head. “Sir, if you’ll follow me...”

Ruben glanced at Willow, who plainly had no intention of going with him. She waved him on, smiling slightly. “I’ll meet you at the noon meal. Maybe by then, my parents will have made up their mind about you.”

And then, her back straight, she walked away, leaving him without a backward glance.

Chapter 9

About to enter the grand throne room right behind his brother and Princess Tatiana, some sixth sense had made Chad hang back. As he listened to the uproar from inside the room, he was very glad he’d stayed out.

Especially when he’d heard this Prince Ruben person state unequivocally that he would recognize the man who’d been following Willow through the forest.

How was this possible? He would have sworn no one had seen him. Clenching his fists, he swallowed back a rush of fury. This man, this human interloper, could identify him? This he could not allow to happen. If what he’d done was revealed, his family and the entire EastWard Court would have their reputations ruined. His parents would never forgive him and he’d be banished to live among the Shadows. With his Bright coloring, he knew he’d be lucky to survive a week.

In that instant, he knew what he’d have to do. Unless he was successful in disguising his appearance until he could return home, he might have to take extreme action and get rid of the only one who could identify him. This Prince Ruben would have to die. Soon. And if Willow got in the way, he’d kill her, too.

* * *

Once she’d taken her leave of Ruben, Willow hurried down the hallway. She knew she wouldn’t be left alone for long. In fact, at any moment she expected Tatiana to come sailing around the corner. Or, even worse, her sister would find out where Ruben was staying and show up at his door, prepared to practice her considerable wiles on Ruben in order to learn everything she possibly could Copyright 2016 - 2024