Wolf Girl (Wolf Girl #1) - Leia Stone Page 0,75

Vampire City was brutally murdered. We have DNA wolf hair from the scene that we will be crosschecking with all of your wolves.”

Mr. Hudson went very still then, his eyes flashing yellow as he stood. “Over. My. Dead. Fucking. Body,” he growled.

Whoa. Our normally reserved alpha had finally lost his shit.

King Drake stood, glaring him down. “That can be arranged.”

The table erupted into shouts and the prime minister clapped loudly. “That’s enough!” he screamed, causing everyone to fall quiet.

Prime Minister Locke looked at the Drakes. “Your vampires have been sticking their noses where they don’t belong lately. The wolves have had two attacks on campus—”

King Drake tipped his chin up. “Without our knowledge!”

Yeah, right.

Locke shrugged. “Nevertheless, you are not wholly innocent in all of this.”

“So my son deserves to be murdered?” Queen Drake slammed her fist on the table. “I want some fucking justice!”

Locke looked to her and nodded. “Absolutely. So we will let the wolves conduct their internal investigation and bring forth the wolf or wolves responsible, but asking for an entire DNA database of their pack is unreasonable.”

Queen Drake hissed, looking feral, but sat down.

Curt gave a smug smile to his wife and then looked at Locke. “Thank you for mediating. I think it’s time our guests left. The sun is coming up soon after all. They must be very tired.”

The Drakes narrowed their eyes at the alpha and he and his wife and stood. Their useless lawyer who hadn’t spoken the entire time glared at Prime Minister Locke. “We will be filing a petition with the Magical Creatures Council to have the DNA sample crosschecked with the wolves brought forward from their internal investigation.” He patted his maroon leather briefcase to indicate the sample was inside.

Locke nodded. “Sounds like a reasonable request.”

Sawyer stiffened slightly, his fingers still in my fur. Was that his DNA hair sample in there? Obviously…

As the vampires reached the door, Sawyer spoke: “What’s the consequence in Vampire City for brutal rape?”

My wolf froze at the same time King and Queen Drake did. The entire room froze at that actually.

Queen Drake’s voice was like a loaded weapon. “Why do you ask?”

Sawyer shrugged carelessly. “Just curious.”

Awkward silence descended on the room as King Drake’s jaw clenched. “If found convicted, brutal rape carries a death sentence in our coven.”

Sawyer grinned, the cockiest fucking grin I’d ever seen, and my wolf practically purred. The queen lunged for Sawyer, darting halfway across the room, but the lawyer was faster. He zipped in front of her, grasping her by the shoulders.

“Save it for the courtroom,” he hissed.

She looked over the lawyer’s shoulder and pinned a feral gaze at Sawyer. “I can’t wait until you become alpha next year.” Her grin was practically as maniacal as Sawyer’s, and a stone sank in my gut. It was a promise. A promise of revenge?

“I’ll escort you out.” Prime Minister Locke cleared his throat and left the room with them.

The wolf lawyer stood then, looking at the open door for a moment, until he was sure it was clear. “A witch owes me a favor…” His voice was barely a whisper. “I’ll see if she can change Sawyer’s DNA for a while. If not, we need to break in and steal that briefcase.”

Holy shit, okay, so everyone at this table knew Sawyer was guilty.

“Thank you, Phineas.” Mrs. Hudson stood and escorted him out, leaving Sawyer and his father staring each other down.

Curt’s nostril flared. “You need to learn to curb your anger, son.”

Sawyer barked out a laugh. “I love you, Father, but with all due respect, you’re not angry enough.”

Curt stood, veins flaring in his neck. “You think I don’t want to wipe every bloodsucker off the face of the earth? They’re a constant thorn in my side, but if I acted on every instigation, we’d be at war.”

Sawyer let go of my fur and stood, leaning into his father as alpha power spread throughout the room, becoming like a heavy blanket. “Instigation? That motherfucker raped her. Pinned her down with three of his friends and stole her virginity.”

Curt quickly looked down at the table, avoiding his son’s gaze in a clear show of submission that nearly knocked my wolf backward.

Sawyer was much more dominant than his father, that was very clear.

“You can’t go murdering every person that—”

“What if it was Sage?” Sawyer’s voice was barely human. “What if that blood bag had raped Sage?” Sawyer asked his father.

Curt’s eyes flashed yellow. “I’d tear him limb from limb,” Curt growled, fur rising on

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