Wolf Girl (Wolf Girl #1) - Leia Stone Page 0,66

he said that I was the only person who should have survived that night and fuck, I couldn’t sleep very well or eat very much, I just wanted to know he was okay. All I knew was that Walsh was missing too and there was comfort in the fact that he wasn’t alone.

The females on campus were a ball of nerves as well. The day after Sawyer left it was announced that he’d chosen his future mate and wife early, and would be announcing it this weekend at a special ceremony. I hadn’t really put two and two together and realized that by picking me we had to get married … or his entire family would die.

No fucking pressure.

Basically it was just another Wednesday.

I tapped my foot, finally all healed and sans walking boot, as Sage chewed a fingernail.

“He said a few days. It’s been three,” I whispered.

Sage nodded, leaning into the table. “He’s probably staked out where that asshole lives, where he works, stolen a keycard so he can get into his place of residence without breaking in… It’s a lot of work to covertly assassinate vampire royalty.”

My eyes widened and I blinked at her a few times. “You think he really is going to … kill him?”

Sage scoffed. “Only one hundred and fifty percent.”

Okay, okay … that was … I mean, did I want that raping asshole to live and do this to another girl? No. But killing him … it was dangerous and Sawyer was basically royalty too, so if he got caught…

My voice shook: “Why didn’t he just send a team or something?”

Sage raised an eyebrow. “Sawyer is in love with you, Demi. He’s not going to send a team to enact revenge and fight for your honor, he’ll want to do that himself.” She laid a hand over mine. “Besides, his wolf has probably taken over anyway. All rational thought is gone.”

Oh great.


I’d told Sage that he’d confessed his love for me but not about the curse. I also hadn’t told her that I was some freak split shifter. Now that my cuffs were off again, I wondered if my smell, or whatever attracted the vampires to me in the first place, was sending a beacon that said “kidnap me and drain my blood.”

“Holy shit,” Sage whisper-screamed and pointed to the cafeteria door. Walsh and Sawyer had just walked in, backpacks slung around their shoulders like it was just another school day. Sawyer scanned the tables, and when he saw me he broke into a grin and walked over.

My heart thumped in my throat as he casually sat next to me and pulled a tater tot off my plate, popping it into his mouth.

“Uhhh, hey,” I said.

“Hey.” He smiled like he was happy and he hadn’t been missing for three days.

Sage cleared her throat. “So … did you, uh, do that thing?”

Walsh and Sawyer shared a look, both grinning. “We had a wonderfully productive hunting trip, thank you for asking.”

Hunting trip.

Oh my God … he killed Vicon Drake.

The eight a.m. bell dinged and everyone around us stood. Sawyer leaned into my ear and whispered, “He’s never going to hurt you again, Demi. Or anyone else.” Then pulled back and tucked a few strands of blond hair behind my ear. “I’ll see you tonight?”

All I could do was nod. I guess when an alpha werewolf was in love with you, killing your attacker was a normal thing I would have to get used to.

“Nope. I have that surprise for Demi, remember?” Sage widened her eyes at him in a knowing, conspiratorial look.

Sawyer nodded, giving her a smile.

My brows drew together. “What is this surprise?”

Sawyer and Sage shared a look, and knowing smiles, but said nothing.

“It’s just a little something to make you happy. It was supposed to happen the day you went to the waterfall but…”

Yeah, that turned into a shitshow.

“Well … I look forward to said surprise.” Not really, I hated surprises, but if it was from the two of them, I was sure I’d love it.

I stood, and Sawyer leaned down to grab my backpack, handing it to me like a gentlemen. I noticed Meredith and a few others glaring daggers from the table nearby.

“See you … later.” I shifted awkwardly, and half waved to Sawyer.

With a halfcocked smirk, he leaned forward and grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me in for a kiss. I prepared for a light peck, but when I felt the wetness of a tongue, I opened my lips

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