Wolf Girl (Wolf Girl #1) - Leia Stone Page 0,43

my head backward and took my bottom lip into his mouth, sucking.

Holy hell.

I’d never been this attracted to a guy, ever. If he pulled me in the janitor closet and asked me to go all the way, I would. He was like a drug and I couldn’t get enough. It all felt so right, so good. His lips were on mine again, giving me slow but powerful kisses, and that’s when the buzzing started—small vibrations at first, until it started to become more noticeable—my lips buzzing, and then my whole body, like I was made of electricity.

Sawyer moaned and then a white light sparked between us and he jumped backward, staring at me with wide eyes.

“What was that?” I asked, slightly scared but more turned on so my brain wasn’t thinking properly.

His eyes darkened as his brows drew together in a frown. “I knew it,” he muttered.

What? That made no sense to me. “Sawyer, what’s going on? What was that?”

The vibrations reminded me of when I’d shaken his dad’s hand, and also the prime minister’s, but the light was new.

The air smelled of hot wires … magic.

Sawyer sighed, looking off down the hallway, where I was sure Eugene and Sage and whatever other guards stood waiting for us to finish our make-out session. Finally, he met my eyes and his held such sadness; I wasn’t prepared for it. “I’m going to have to do something you don’t like, and you’re going to need to trust me.”

My eyes widened, but before I could ask him any more, he was gone, leaving me with swollen lips and a pounding heart.

Sawyer Hudson would be the death of me, that I was sure of.

I skipped lunch in the big dining hall and went right to the library with Walsh and Sage hot on my tail. They ate sandwiches and talked while I moved up to the counter to talk to the librarian. Sage said when she was on “shift” she needed to be all professional and couldn’t sit with me or act all buddy buddy, so I was on my own.

The freaking vibrating white light kiss with Sawyer had occupied my every thought, and I was determined to find out what it was. What I was.

Miss Lynch strode over to me once she saw me at the counter. “Can I help you, hun?”

I nodded, trying to figure out the best way to go about this. “So … I didn’t exactly grow up in Wolf City, but my mom told me this story and I was wondering if you had any books about it?”

Her brows drew together. “What’s the story called?”


“I can’t remember … but it was about a … split shifter who could walk around in human form for a while and her wolf stayed beside her.”

Dawning shone on her face. “Yes. The Cursed One. I’m afraid that all the books on that creature have already been checked out.”

Cursed one.


My heart knocked so loudly against the walls of my chest, I could barely hear her.

“Who checked them out?” I knew the answer even before she told me.

“Sawyer Hudson. He’s got them for…” She checked her tablet, swiping across the screen, “Oh. They’ve been removed from the library permanently.” Her brows drew together in concern while the room spun around me.

Was I cursed? Was I a fucking creature?

Why would Sawyer hide this from me? Did he know or was he just checking out the books to find out?

Holy shifter.

The adrenaline was coursing so fast through my veins that my wolf came to the surface.

“Miss Calloway?” The librarian waved a hand in front of my face as my teeth lengthened.

My wolf rattled against my skin until my whole body vibrated. Reaching my hands out, I hugged myself tightly, trying to keep her in. She sensed danger in my fearful reaction of what the librarian had said.

“Sorry, I don’t feel well,” I told her.

She nodded knowingly. “Full moon. Happens to all of us, dear.” I gave her a weak smile and turned around and ran. I ran past Sage and past Walsh, through two students trying to enter the library, and out into the garden. Students were lazing about, some of them in wolf form but most human.

‘Stop it,’ I told my wolf, as pelts of white fur ran down my arms.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

The fact that my teeth could lengthen, I could howl and fur could grow on my arms, had to mean I was capable of a normal shift, of my human form shifting into a

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