Wolf Girl (Wolf Girl #1) - Leia Stone Page 0,36

demeanor changed. Eugene and two other guards I didn’t know were at the far end of the hallway waiting for him.

He shook his head, looking at the flowers before handing them to me. “This time it’s different.”

This time it’s different? What the hell did that mean?

I took the flowers as an awkward silence descended upon us.

“Demi?” Sawyer’s voice was rough, his eyes hooded.


“Would you do me the honor of being my date for dinner tonight?”

He was so serious, and also so charming. Dammit. “Extra carbs, extra gluten?” I raised one eyebrow.

He grinned, and fuck me he had a dimple in his cheek that I didn’t realize was there before. “Extra whatever you want.” His voice was deep and I’m pretty sure my cheeks went bright red.

I really wanted to whore out in this moment and say, “Whatever I want?” in a sultry voice, but I decided playing hard to get was better.

I looked at my bare wrist, which didn’t have a watch on it. “I dunno, I mean it’s getting late and you’re all dressed up. I’m not sure I have time to get ready.”

His eyes flashed yellow for the slightest second as his wolf came to the surface. “I think you look amazing.”

Dammit, he was so sweet.

“Alright, well, I guess I could run home and change. Where are we going?”

He grinned. “Eugene will bring you. Just be ready by six?”

I nodded and he lingered for a second, looking down at the flowers in my hands. “Are you happy here, Demi? I know it’s probably a lot different from Delphi … but my intention was to bring you here for a better life. You’re happy, right?” He frowned and I found myself mystified by his genuine goodness.

Hah! Yes, this place was different from the reject magic school. He had no idea. Banishing a wolf was the cruelest thing you could do. Being the only wolf at Delphi had plagued me from kindergarten.

“I miss my parents and my best friend Raven … but other than that … I’m happy.” I gave him a small smile.

He nodded, seeming relieved. “Good. I’ll see you tonight.” When he turned to walk away, I found myself wondering if Sawyer was happy. No one probably asked him that. I decided to do just that tonight on our date.

“Holy shit you look hot.” Sage admired me from where she sat on my couch eating Oreos.

“Really? It’s not too … revealing?”

Sage snorted. “Have you seen the other girls on their date nights?”

Yeah, I had, they fucking advertised it to everyone and made sure we all got a peek of what they were wearing: short dresses, cleavage, six-inch-high heels. I was modest, so this was a bit much for me. Sage had let me borrow a baby blue lace tube top that ended just below my breasts, and then I wore a high-waisted black silk skirt with a bow in the center. That all looked too Barbie for me, so I threw on some black fishnets and my Doc Marten boots and I was ready to go. I showered in like four minutes, managing to shave and not cut myself, but there was no time to do my hair, so I let it airdry in beachy waves.

The clock struck six p.m. and Sage jumped from the couch. “Okay, you have to kiss him tonight. I’m sure the other girls have and he needs to know you have chemistry.”

I frowned. “Eww, you think he’s been kissing all the other girls?”

She rolled her eyes. “No, not all of them, but I’m sure some are trying. Look, just be your amazing self and let him know you’re interested, that’s all.”

Was I interested in a guy who might have potentially kissed forty-nine other girls?


But my thoughts went back to what Sage had told me when she’d found him in Montana.

About wondering if anyone would ever love him back.

Walking over to the door, I threw it open to find Eugene and Walsh both dressed in suits. “Hey.” I hadn’t really seen Eugene much since that night with the vampire attack.

Walsh’s gaze flicked behind me to Sage. He nodded once at her and then focused back on me.

Poor Sage.

“Good evening, Miss Calloway.” Eugene gestured for me to walk with him and I did, letting the door close behind me. Sage would find her way back to her dorm eventually. Or not and she’d be there waiting to hear every word when I got back.

Either way, I wasn’t worried about it.

One by one, the girls came

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