Wolf Girl (Wolf Girl #1) - Leia Stone Page 0,34

mom has a really funny story of getting hammered on her eighteenth birthday and my grandma making her sleep it off in the barn with the goats because she kept vomiting.”

Sage burst into peals of laughter, but before we could say any more, we’d reached the door. I slipped my hand into my purse, prepared to show ID, when the bouncer just winked at Sage and opened the door.

“Miss Hudson.” He nodded, and let us in.

Sometimes I forgot her dad was the alpha’s little brother—until someone said her last name.

The flashing lights and deep bass music filtered out to us as we crossed the threshold.

A young woman in her twenties with bright pink hair stood behind a hostess stand and handed us two free drink tickets. “It’s ladies’ night,” she told us with a wink.


I surveyed the club, taking it all in. Moonies was cute, not a huge place; it wasn’t sure whether it wanted to be a college bar or a high-tech dance club, but it had a special something, a vibe. The walls were all, surprise, glass, and the floors were stamped concrete, but the bar which took up the entire right side of the space was deep rich wood and had stacks of schoolbooks in shelves near the ceiling as decoration. I kind of dug it. I was scanning for two seats at the bar since the place was packed, when my gaze landed on two searing blue eyes.


“Sawyer’s here,” I mumbled to Sage. “Let’s go.” I yanked her arm.

“I can’t hear you!” she shouted over the loud music.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of his, he was just … watching me, drinking me in while a familiar blond hung on his arm, talking to her friends.

Darth Vader.

Oh my God, was this their date night? Of course he chose her first.

“Shit, Sawyer’s here with Meredith!” Sage screamed into my ear and I nodded.

Sawyer stood, shaking Meredith off of his arm as she continued to talk to her friends, and he just … stared at me.

“Who goes to a bar for a date?” I yelled in Sage’s ear.

She grinned. “Meredith. She’s a lush who loves attention. This is like her favorite place.”

“We should go!” I told Sage, yanking her arm again.

She pulled me on the dance floor with surprising force, ignoring my plea. “Don’t worry! He’s faking that he is into all these girls because he has to. Trust me,” Sage said.

She had no idea. No idea what went down with the vamps, and no idea what I was or that he’d dropped his class to escape me.

Fuck it.

Sage was right. Screw planning my every minute around Sawyer. I was here to have fun and I wasn’t going to let him being on a date with another chick bother me. Turning my back to him, I started to dance. I mean, full-on pelvic thrusting, rolling my body with the music as I threw my arms up in the air to music and let my hair whip around.

“Yes, girl!” Sage screamed in laughter as I gestured to her and shook my boobs at her, causing her to laugh. Dancing with girlfriends was always the best, you didn’t have to worry about them hitting on you, and you didn’t have to worry about being an idiot. I just let go of everything, let go of what I might be, of Sawyer, of all my stress. I moved my body to the music and owned that dance floor, rubbing up against Sage with my butt as she smacked it and laughed.

Zero. Fucks. Given.

A bunch of guys had started to form a circle around us, cheering us on and ogling like the stupid assholes they were, but we didn’t care, we just kept on dancing. This music was my jam and I was living my best life.

When I spun in the air, I risked a glance behind me, searching for Sawyer, and my wolf rose to the surface when I noticed two yellow eyes standing twelve inches from me.

I skidded to a stop, heart pounding in my chest either from dancing or the fact that Sawyer was a mere foot away from me.

“Uh … hey,” I huffed, panting.

He blinked, eyes flashing from yellow to blue. His gaze flicked to the guys standing in a circle watching us and his jaw clenched. He leaned into me, pressing a hand at my lower back and pulling me into him. When his lips grazed my ear, heat traveled down my spine and settled between my

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