Wolf Girl (Wolf Girl #1) - Leia Stone Page 0,16

I’d never forget the sound of my own bones snapping. It was a sharp sound that come from within me and outside of me at the same time. The heat lessened, as well as the pain, and I just … transformed. The fur I was used to popping up on my arms flared to life on my entire body. I literally felt my face grow as my nose protruded into my line of sight and I saw that it was a white silvery fur. My tongue rolled out of my mouth as I panted to cool myself off. When I looked down, I saw four white and gray paws.

“Oh fuck…” Sawyer’s voice behind me was like sandpaper.

Okay … not the reaction I expected. More like, “Your wolf is beautiful,” or, “I really like your markings.” I spun around, to see what was wrong and a terrified howl ripped from my throat.

What. The. Hell?

Sawyer stood over my naked body, my naked human body. I was curled into a ball at his feet.

My heart pounded frantically in my wolf chest as I shook my head. I was a wolf looking at my human form, then I was my human looking at my wolf.

What the hell was happening? Was I dreaming, was I hallucinating?

My human form sat up, draped both arms across her chest, and looked at me with two wide blue eyes.

“Not … possible.” Sawyer knelt beside my human form, looking at her with a slack jaw. I was shaking from shock and he wrapped a warm arm around me, tucking me into his chest.

I blinked and then I was looking at everything from my human perspective, nuzzled into him, shaking as my teeth chattered.

What was happing?

I was … two people.


“Sawyer!” a male voice yelled from the trees, and he stiffened.

His voice was frantic: “You have to shift back.”

I just curled into him, naked, fragile, scared.

He put his hand out to my wolf as if he were calling a dog. Then my wolf walked forward and I looked down to see my furry paws. I was back in her perspective and it was as easy as blinking.

“Sawyer!” The male voice was closer now, and it was followed by another voice and another. It must be his guards looking for him. He was basically royalty.

My wolf leaned forward and smelled his hand.

The second I got close, his hand snaked out and grabbed my wolf by the scruff, pulling me up to meet his gaze, his eyes sharpened.

“Shift. Back. Now. Or they’ll kill you both,” he growled, alpha power pressing down on my body at his command.

Pain sliced along my tailbone and the heat was back. It felt like I’d just been sucked into a vacuum; there was pressure all around me as a force slammed into my back, like I’d been hit with a baseball bat, then my eyelids snapped open and Sawyer was looking at me with relief. Bringing my hands up to my face, I saw that they were human.

“Sawyer!” a man yelled as Sawyer pulled me up and tucked me behind his back to shield me from view.

Just then, Brandon from the van ride earlier, along with Walsh, stepped into the clearing, holding guns at their sides. The giant lead guard, Eugene, stepped up right behind them.

They took one look at me, naked and hiding behind Sawyer, who had his shirt off, and then gave us their backs, cheeks flaming red.

One of the guards mumbled, “We heard a wolf howl, it sounded like it was in distress … we thought you were…”

“I’m fine. We went for a run.” His voice cracked. “Give us a moment,” he commanded and they immediately began to walk away.

“Get dressed,” he called to me, keeping his back to me, as if he didn’t just see me freaking naked. Oh my God, I wanted to die right now. My hands shook as I slipped into my panties and bra, then put my shirt over my head and zipped my shorts up.

I didn’t know a ton about werewolves, but I knew enough to know what just happened wasn’t fucking normal. Like … at all.

When I was finally dressed, I just cleared my throat and he turned around. I couldn’t meet his eyes, I was so … embarrassed, horrified, scared.

Reaching out, he grasped my chin in his warm fingers and tipped it up to meet his piercing blue eyes.

“Don’t tell anyone what just happened. Your life depends on it, you understand?”

My life?

Oh God.

Tears filled my eyes and I

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