Wolf Girl (Wolf Girl #1) - Leia Stone Page 0,11

some old lady wearing pumps and pantyhose?

When she left the room, I stared at Eugene incredulously.

He only smirked. “She’s one of the elites. Born of money, likes having an important job. She doesn’t understand people like us.”

People like us.

When I didn’t say anything, he leaned forward. “My dad was the Werewolf Elementary School janitor and my mom the lunch lady. The only reason I got this job is because I’m built like a truck and I win every fight I get in.”

I grinned. I liked him immediately. I liked everyone here so far. My parents made it sound like some dark and scary place they’d had to flee.

“Sawyer pays for everything,” he told me. “It’s never a question and you won’t pay a dime back, no matter what happens. It’s all in the bylaws.” He tapped the backpack.

I guess I had some reading to do.

He stood and gestured to the door. “You can go. You missed the first day, but classes start eight a.m. sharp, and Sawyer will be picking his first date tomorrow night at the dinner gala.”

My eyes widened.

Picking a date?

Dinner gala?

Freaking Werewolf Bachelor.

“Umm, gala usually means a dress … right?” I gestured to my clothes.

He pointed to the backpack. “Check the campus map. There’s a mall behind the tennis courts that has everything ladies like to wear. Use your keycard to pay. Sawyer picks up the bill, no questions asked.”

What. The. Fuck. Was. Happening?

At this point I just felt stupid for asking questions, so I nodded and stood. “Thanks for um…” I pointed to the broken cuffs and shoved them in the bag. “Everything.”

He tipped his head, standing as well. “In twenty years of serving the alpha, I’ve never seen him get in a fight with his son. Until today. Sawyer fought for you. Don’t ever forget that.”

Then he walked out and left me shocked.

Sawyer fought for me? Those words stuck with me all the way to Lexington Hall.

Lexington Hall was clear across campus and I rode a badass electric scooter to get there. This place was amazing. Minus all of the assholes who kept staring at me and whispering. It took me four tries to get the dorm door open, until some blond waved her key at a little square thingy and it opened automatically. I stepped in behind her into a large entryway with a concierge type of woman sitting behind a desk. She had a phone to her ear. When she saw me, she hung up and flagged me down with a flustered look on her face.

“Miss Calloway?”

I nodded. “They didn’t put your food preferences in. My chef needs to know, are you vegetarian? Gluten free? What are your dietary restrictions?”

I forced myself not to laugh. “None, ma’am.”

She frowned. “Paleo? Keto?”

Keta what?

“Umm. I like all food.”

This seemed to confuse her and her eyebrows drew into a frown. “No special diet, then?”

I shrugged. “Pizza, pasta, chicken sandwiches.”

Her eyes ran over my body and she seemed … I don’t know what she seemed, but I was confused. Luckily, Sage popped into view and saved me from further embarrassment.

“She’s normal, Kendra. Normal food,” Sage told her, speaking the last two words slowly like Kendra didn’t understand.

The front desk woman glared at Sage and waved her off. “Very well.”

Sage looped her arm through mine and leaned in closely. “All of the ‘prospective girls’ are on special diets to be rail thin for my cousin.”

“Gross,” I said. My thighs definitely jiggled when I walked and my nickname all through middle school, before Wolf Girl, was Bubble Butt.

“Eugene texted me that you would be across the hall from me. Have you eaten dinner?”

I shook my head, taking in all the girls walking around in high heels and the luxury of the open entry room.

“We can go to the mall and go shopping so you have clothes to wear to school tomorrow. We can grab a bite to eat there. Or you can just borrow mine and we can order in.”

Eugene texted her? He probably guarded her too since she was … I dunno, were they royal? She was the alpha’s niece, so obviously that was special. My head was spinning. I did need clothes, like … I didn’t even have extra underwear. They basically kidnapped me midday without any of my stuff.

“Sure … um, let me just freshen up. Call my parents.”

She nodded. “Meet you in the lobby in thirty minutes?”

I gave her a thumbs-up and then she gestured down the hall. “You’re on the first floor, down to the

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