Wolf Endangered (Willow's Forbidden Pack #2) - Avery Song Page 0,88

from the intense variation of the dark leaves to the miraculous-looking sky that was decorated with twinkling stars, the grass of various shades of green, and the drenched soil of brown and black.

The colors reminded me of watching television in 4k HD, but that was merely one aspect of this new horizon.

My sense of smell had heightened profoundly, and to smell the rawness this forest carried was beyond exciting. The smell of the trees, hidden flowers, soil, and scents of various creatures that have come and passed through these lands was extraordinary.

I immediately caught onto Dimitris's cologne, the aroma entwined with his wolf scent that was coming from my right. As much as I wanted to acknowledge him, he became a figment of my worries as I took a step forward.

It was weird how my thought process connected with my brain. It felt like a part of me was in control, while the other was in the passenger seat and watching everything occur before me like a television screen was before my eyes.

All of it was overwhelming and trippy, and yet the exhilaration it delivered was indescribable.

To think that I'd lived upon this world that I could only vouch was darker than the villains in television shows and movies, and yet it looked like a fairytale in the eyes of a wolf. I had no idea that these lands could be this outstanding.

It all reminded me of my meeting with Mother Moon in the field of flowers. I'd get emotional if I thought about it too long, but the part of me in the driver's spot - my wolf - was tired of standing still. We had to move, to explore, to discover what we'd missed for all these years.

I took a few more steps, the sound of me panting only making me even more excited before I dashed forward and began to run. I was impressed at the stillness of the world around me, but the movement was absolutely phenomenal.

The speed of my legs, the thrill of running at a blurring pace, and the constant hits and shifts in the environment and aromas all around were beyond pleasant. It felt like I was on a rollercoaster that was racing through various stimulations all in one ride, and it merely made me want to do this forever as I picked up the pace.

My speed was fast, faster than I could mentally grasp, as the world was literally a blur of neon bright colors, but I didn't care.

I was free. I was alive. I was present.

The acknowledgment made me realize that soon, the world would see me. See my majestic wolf that was now free to claim her rights. No one could talk quietly anymore. No longer would I put my head down or wish to be invisible.

I'm right here! A wolf of power! A wolf of royalty! A Forbidden Fruit!

I came to a sudden stop and lifted my head up high to let out a raging howl. The sound was loud, echoing all around the forest as it pierced through the sky for the world to hear. No more silence. No more mercy. They would hear me loud and clear.

All those who belittled me, the wolves in the Pack House and walking on the streets who mocked me, all of them would hear and see the power I possessed, the force blessed by the Pink Moon, and the inherited powers and knowledge they would beg to have a taste of.

The thought left me gleefully howling before I pounced around in what looked to be a meadow of flowers. They were pink, the color so outstanding to my eyes that I couldn't help but be possessed by their intense delicacy. I ended up sitting for a moment on all fours, my eyes focused on the flowers before me as I sniffed a few times to take in the floral aroma.

The crack of a branch caught my attention, and I looked in that direction to meet a pair of pink eyes with hues of purple and gold. I remained still, assessing the wolf whose name I’d somewhat forgotten. The name was on the tip of my tongue, but not enough for me to pinpoint it.

He wasn't bothering me, which was fine, as I took in his black fur. He was slightly bigger in size, but I felt like my body wasn't just the average size of a typical wolf in the wild. I was slender in frame but taller in height, enough

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