Wolf Endangered (Willow's Forbidden Pack #2) - Avery Song Page 0,77

was referring to. "Your wolf is a part of you that carries a higher level of animalistic intellect. Think of it as an extension of your power and control. Though your wolf will sometimes bring out behavior that replicates how a wolf would fight or play in the wild, when you're focused on something that holds immense value, like a fight or protecting a loved one, your senses, reflexes, and abilities heighten."

He began to walk forward then, and I followed suit so we wouldn't fall too far behind.

"My memories of your mom are still fuzzy, but I'm positive she's an Alpha like Roberto, which means you have a big advantage in this. Think of this as another fight in the ring, only you get to pull all the stunts. Don't have mercy on them unless Dimitris calls for you to stop."

Viktor was getting into his coaching mode, and it was really beginning to pump me up for this apparent fight.

"What if they stop breathing?" I offered. The look he gave me had giggles escaping my throat. "Alright, alright. No killing my packmates. Got it."

"You can save the killing for all the enemies that were trying to catch a plane to Mexico," he encouraged.


"Seven brave souls," he revealed.

"Are they dead?"

"Nah," Viktor noted. "Somehow they're in Neo's possession. Whatever that means."

"Ah," I replied. "So they're dead."

It was Viktor's turn to give me a look, but we were well into the forest and walking into a massive clearing. You wouldn't have noticed it with how thick the forest was.

"Wow." I looked around. "Who would have thought this was here."

"I've been around most of New York and never came across this place," Viktor noted.

"It's a Forbidden secret," Saint revealed as he worked on lifting his white shirt off. I don't know what else he said because I was being a distracted, hormonal girl enjoying the grand view.

"Sugar," Onyx sighed. "If you're going to check your enemy out, at least try doing it without looking like some groupie fan of some famous rock band."

"A groupie what?" I questioned, and that just confirmed I didn't hear half of what he said before the word groupie. Neo was grinning, Dimitris was shaking his head, and Jayce was simply admiring me.

"I'm unsure whether Willow stands a chance at the moment," Jayce commented.

"You'd be a fool to think Wilting Flower is going to allow us an easy victory," Saint commented as he elbowed Jayce lightly before jumping in place and rolling his shoulders. "Man. The last time we did this, we got beat up by Neo."

"Let's not remember that horror story," Jayce suggested. "I still have a scar after that fuckery."

The remainder of us looked at Neo, and there he was, innocently standing there with his eyes closed. "Are you ready, Willow?" Neo inquired, completely ignoring our stares.

"You're just excited to see her aura," Onyx suggested.

"You're not wrong," Neo replied. "It's rather spectacular right now. Sweetness is excited."

My cheeks actually began to turn red at his statement, before I looked at my attire.

"I can't fight in this," I voiced and proceeded to take the shirt off. "This bra ain't going to hold shit in combat."

The group was far too busy checking me out. Suddenly, Saint pointed at my legs. "Hey, Willow. When did you get another tattoo?"

"Huh?" I looked down to my thigh to see a massive triangle symbol. I blinked a few times to see if it would go away, but the solid, thick-lined triangle was very apparent. "Uh...that wasn't there before."

Viktor knelt down on one knee to get a better look at it, while Saint walked over from where he'd been hopping to join in the brief assessment.

"You think it's a side effect from the double dose you took this morning?" Neo offered.

"I doubt it," I admitted. "It shouldn't make random tattoos show up on my skin."

"Maybe a magic imbalance?" Saint offered. "It feels magic originated.”

Viktor didn't comment on it, but he reached out to trace his finger along the shape - the action sending tingles through me. He did it two more times before he commented, "Doesn't seem harmful. It's probably because of Willow switching back and forth. Her magic is most likely reacting to that."

"So it ain't permanent," I concluded. "I already have a hard time hiding the bruises from those needles."

"You have a cream for that, remember," Onyx offered.

"You're right, but I don't have cream that hides tattoos," I voiced. "I already have to do enough to hide these during the day so I

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