Wolf Endangered (Willow's Forbidden Pack #2) - Avery Song Page 0,74

Pink Moon. If you were accepted into the pack, the moment you rose into your power, you'd potentially risk his Alpha position in the pack."

That was new to me, and my expression probably made him think I needed more elaboration.

"Dimitris most likely wants you to be Beta so he can give you a position that allows your wolf to project some level of authority. Not too much that it will coax through the bond and influence the other wolves in the pack, but enough that they'll know that you should be respected like an Alpha," he elaborated. "Now, if something similar occurred with Roberto as the Alpha, it would have resulted in you taking over completely. Roberto is strong, and he can handle his own as the strongest Alpha in NYC as of now, but if you were placed in the same ring as him, he'd forfeit. There's no difference when it comes to his leadership role. If you decided to claim it, the title would be yours. Due to this, Roberto ensured you felt like you weren't capable of rising up to the level of an Alpha in his pack, so when the time of your awakening occurred, it wouldn’t trigger him stepping down."

"He was fine with stepping down with his company," I acknowledged.

"Money holds its value in the human realms. Your power in the world of shifters is all about title, rank, and capabilities. It's what makes you a major threat in this field."

"Because I have multiple abilities, like magic?" I inquired.

"Magic that allows you to conjure weapons, summon elements on a larger scale, gives you the ability to change genders which can benefit you in multiple areas of strength and skill, and you have enough magic to be on the Coven's watch list. I think that's rather threatening, don't you think?" he offered.

I punched his gut, which he didn't expect - leaving him groaning and hugging his stomach, while I crossed my arms over my chest while acting like he insulted me.

"I see your point," I concluded.

"And yet you punched me," he hissed.

"Sometimes I have to remind you that I'm threatening," I hummed. "In a cute way."

He sighed. "Satisfied?"

"Very," I replied, and gave him a quick hug. "Thank you, Viktor. I appreciate you a lot more than you realize."

He didn't say anything but gently hugged me back.

Pulling away, I smiled only to sense something fast coming from our left.

Viktor was there protectively in a blink, but he didn't have a chance at even conjuring a barrier before he was tossed to the side like he was absolutely nothing. Instead of getting into a defensive position, I stood there and watched Viktor somehow manage to land safely in one of the trees.

Turning my gaze slowly back to the culprit, I was greeted with a lick from my waist upward - the action leaving me drenched in three seconds.

I blankly stared at the massive wolf as he happily panted in my face.

"Neo," I growled, which only made him happily yelp and crash into me. "OOMPH!"

I was down for the count as he relaxed on top of me, his large tail shaking rapidly while he snuggled against my entire body.

"Neo! You're too heavy!" I huffed and worked on pushing him off me. As I sat up, he was already walking around me in circles, until he sat down and placed his head on my lap. All I could do was pout in annoyance while I stared at his happy face. "Hello to you, too," I concluded and began to stroke his head.

It took me a moment to realize the remaining Forbidden Pack members were off to the side and staring at me with shocked expressions while Viktor was slowly making his way out of the forest and back to where the others stood.

"You see, when she originally said Neo's wolf didn't destroy her on sight, I didn't believe her," Saint admitted. "Now it's happening before my eyes and I still can't believe her."

"Woof!" Neo got up and began to stretch. I took the opportunity to get back up, dusting off my bare legs. I'd been so comfortable in the spare bra, panties and V-neck. I guess it didn't matter, seeing as we were about to go for a run and would need to be naked either way.

Oh goodness. I get the delightful sight of seeing all of them naked. This is going to be dangerous.

Neo began to walk around me once more, his furry body rubbing over me again and

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