Wolf Endangered (Willow's Forbidden Pack #2) - Avery Song Page 0,5

to be a possessive asshole, don't punish her like I'm positive you want to."

"I said nothing," Onyx pointed out.

"You don't need to say a word for all of us to read you like an open book," Neo acknowledged.

"Only because I allow it," Onyx brushed off.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Neo concluded.

Sleep? The fucker doesn't sleep when he wants to punish someone.

My thought must have gone through to them because they were chuckling the next second, which left Saint a bit stumped.

"So...did I miss the joke?"

"Wilting Flower must have said something in their mate bond," Jayce acknowledged.

"I forgot about that connection stuff. Damn. That's not fair," Saint complained.

"We have a wolf connection, idiot," Jayce muttered. "Alright. Enough stalling. We have to go."

"You sense them, too, huh?" Saint commented. "We’ve got time."

"No, we don't," Onyx pointed out.

"While you and Neo were playing heroes of the century, we secured the area with a few traps," Saint revealed. Suddenly, the ground shook as loud sounds that resembled fireworks went off. "Ah. There we go."

Screams of agony cut through the air, and they sounded far closer than I would have predicted.

"That's our cue to jet," Saint declared.

Onyx secured me in his hold while Dimitris spoke. "Two hours. I'll need you for thirty minutes, and then we'll return to Neo's hotel to regroup. Then we'll know what our game plan will be."

Dimitris was obviously directing the statement to Viktor.

"Fine," he agreed, but he didn't sound pleased about it.

"If you need backup, just let me know. You know how," Onyx stated, which had to be directed to Viktor.

"You wouldn't abandon Willow now," Viktor acknowledged. From the swaying movement of my body, we were moving swiftly.

"You're correct, but I also know you're important to her, so if I let you go get into stupid shit, she'll scold me the best way she knows how."

"No access, huh," Viktor stated like it was an obvious fact.

"That, and she'd probably never speak to me again. I can't afford that now. Would be a pain with a bond as strong as this."

"Valid," Viktor replied. "Recap later?"

"Yes. For now, just secure her valuables. And if you can get a hold of Aurelia, please do. I want to make sure Willow is actually okay inside and out."

"Got it."

My consciousness was beginning to fade now, and at some point, I felt us make it to the car. I wanted to sleep, I really did, but there was just something frightening that lingered at the thought.

What if I lose control? This isn't the time for psycho Willow right now. What if we get attacked? I shouldn't rest. I need to be strong for what's to come...but I'm so tired. Fuck...

I felt like I was stuck in a position I had no clue how to get out of, but was suddenly silenced by the touch of tender lips to my temple. Waves of tranquility washed over me as a soft, humming melody began to flow through my mind.

The deep serenade was like being tucked into bed and having someone's hands running through your hair at a soothing pace that only encouraged sleep to come faster. My worries, fears, and anything else that tried to leave me anxious faded away, and I was left to slip into the positives of our situation.

I’d somehow escaped death, met Mother Moon, and received proof of how much Onyx loved me. My wolf was awakened after another close call. Somehow I had two mates, was a royal princess, and was officially part of the Forbidden Pack as a wolf shifter.

There was no conscious time left to wonder about what would happen after I woke up, but the Pink Moon had somehow delivered everything I needed to destroy the depths of doubt that fought to ruin me and replaced it with all I'd been asking for.

My purpose, an identity, people who loved and cherished me, and ultimately...acceptance.

That was more than enough to allow me to succumb to the darkness, as my last thought echoed within my mind.

Thanks to the Pink Moon, I've awakened my destiny.


Royally Bonded And Showtime


"We need confirmation from Boss to let you in!"

All eyes were on me, the attention making me smirk at the spike of their tense energies. Guess my hidden persona always gave those vibes, and it was why no lost sheep tried to venture into my vicinity of power.

I reached over to slightly press the button that rolled down the tinted window to my left. I didn't need to move any further as the guards in

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